An Effective Mandated Organ of the African Union's Effort to Assure Water Security in Africa
The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) was formed in 2002 in Abuja Nigeria, primarily to promote cooperation, security, social, economic development and poverty eradication among member states through the effective management of the continent’s water resources and provision of water supply services.
Our Mission
Provide political leadership, policy direction and advocacy in the provision, use and management of water resources for sustainable social and economic development and maintenance of African ecosystems.
Our Vision
An Africa where there is an equitable and sustainable use and management of water resources for poverty alleviation, socio-economic development, regional co-operation and the environment.
Our Story
See how AMCOW has evolved over the years since its inception. Its milestones, structure, achievements and aspirations.
What Makes Us Different
Governance & Partnership
Water Resource Management
Water Supply, Sanitation, & Hygiene
Water & Sanitation Sector Monitoring & Reporting
Knowledge Management, Communications & Visibility
Youth & Gender Inclusion

Data Collection
We collect data on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene from African Member States.

Data Reports
Reports generated from the data collected aid decision and policy making.

Africa Water Sector and Sanitation Monitoring Reporting System
WASSMO is the first ever continent-wide automated web-based system that exclusively captures data on water and sanitation across the 55 Member States of the African Union using harmonised progress indicators.
AMCOW Pan African Groundwater Program
The APaGROP vision is that through improved groundwater policy and practice, groundwater is used sustainably and equitably, increasing water and food security and resilience, and supporting improved lives and livelihoods in Africa.

Launched in
Oct 2019

Operationalized in
Feb 2020