The International Exhibition of Water and Sanitation Technologies, also known as "IFAT," is the world's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste, and raw materials management.
The Department of Water and Sanitation annually hosts the Youth Water and Sanitation Indaba in commemoration of the 1976 youth uprising. The primary intention is to seek and encourage engagements, technical expertise and knowledge sharing among the youth in the Water and Sanitation Sector. The ultimate objective is to improve institutional governance, performance, job creation, […]
A platform to broker engagements between constituents: beneficiaries/member states; implementing partners; political leadership (HoSGs, AMCOW Council of Ministers); development partners
The PCP serves as a African Union partner coordination platform for effective collaboration, monitoring, and reporting amongst stakeholders and relevant partners. It also supports resource mobilisation to assure water security, sanitation, and hygiene services provision in Africa.