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AMCOW Hosts Session at 2024 World Water Week, ‘Hub of Hubs’ Knowledge Platform for Peace

On August 27, 2024, the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), in collaboration with DHI, convened a session titled “The Hub of Hubs: Knowledge Sharing Platform for Peace” at the 2024 World Water Week in Stockholm. The session, moderated by Louise Heegaard, promoted efforts to operationalise AMCOW’s continental knowledge-sharing platform for supporting water and sanitation management across Africa.

Dr Tahani Sileet, Minister Assistant for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt and AMCOW TAC Chair, opened the session with a keynote address. She underlined the platform’s importance for achieving water-related goals and priorities in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Following Dr Sileet, various sector speakers highlighted key knowledge management initiatives.

Department of Water and Sanitation, South Africa, shared its Knowledge Management Strategy, emphasising the need to move from mere data and information gathering to active knowledge sharing. The strategy demonstrated how co-creation and integration can reduce redundancy and enhance resource efficiency. Senegal’s Pole Eau Dakar (PED) initiative was presented as a case study, showcasing how effective implementation can promote regional knowledge sharing. The Congo Basin Catchment Information System (CB-CIS) offered a system-thinking approach to managing large river basins and highlighted the importance of cross-boundary data collaboration. The World Bank introduced innovative uses of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to advance knowledge-sharing within the water sector, stressing synergies between the Hub of Hubs and the World Bank’s information systems and learning networks.

AMCOW’s WASSMO System (currently under update) was showcased as an integral component of the Hub of Hubs, with new features to include AIP-PIDA Water Investment Scorecard indicators, facilitating evidence-based decision-making. Preliminary findings of the AMCOW Knowledge Management Audit revealed the participation rate and feedback from member states, along with recommendations for advancing knowledge-sharing practices. To wrap it up, Code Kraft presented the technical backbone of the Hub of Hubs, illustrating how ICT can be leveraged to create sustainable knowledge-sharing systems.

The session identified several challenges in knowledge management across the African water sector, such as inadequate resources, low prioritization of knowledge development, and fragmented efforts in moving from data collection to actionable knowledge. However, innovative solutions were also proposed, including expanding AMCOW’s knowledge audit, strengthening the WASSMO system, and increasing member-state participation. An ambitious goal was to identify 110 focal points (two per member state) to enhance the platform’s mandate.

Participants shared their thoughts on transferring data into practical knowledge in an engaging fishbowl-style discussion. A representative from World Waternet, an implementing partner in Kenya, sought guidance on connecting with AMCOW’s focal points. Others, like participants from Lesotho, discussed challenges with accessing country-specific data, underscoring the need for more transparency and reciprocity in data-sharing.

The session also explored potential avenues for expanding AMCOW’s network, including suggestions to use LinkedIn as a connector for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

The session concluded with several action points aimed at sustaining the momentum. These include planning a technical workshop during Africa Water Week in Cairo, continuing discussions with key financiers and drafting a two-page follow-up proposal to negotiate long-term support for the Hub of Hubs initiative.

In terms of engagement, the session saw active online and onsite participation, with representatives from key organizations expressing interest in further collaboration. The World Bank, IWMI, GIZ, and Business Connect L3C were among them. These partners highlighted the importance of networking and knowledge integration, positioning AMCOW’s Hub of Hubs as a critical driver for achieving Africa’s water security goals.

As AMCOW continues to champion knowledge management for Africa’s water and sanitation sectors, this 2024 World Water Week session marks a significant step towards realizing a unified, accessible, and impactful Hub of Hubs platform that fosters collaboration, innovation, and sustainable development across the continent.

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AMCOW lauds AWF’s Launch of the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII)

The African Water Facility (AWF) – as an initiative of the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW), hosted and managed by the African Development Bank – has officially launched its groundbreaking Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII) at the 2024 World Water Week in Stockholm. Hon. Carl-Hermann Gustav Schlettwein, Minister for Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Namibia, Chair of the African Water Facility Governing Council, graced the launch event. Key stakeholders from across the water and sanitation sectors and development partners across the globe attended the event.

In his address, Dr Rashid Mbaziira, Executive Secretary of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), highlighted the critical need for innovative solutions to tackle the severe sanitation challenges faced by the urban populations across Africa. “Over 50% of our rapidly growing urban population lacks adequate sanitation services,” he noted. “This translates into an estimated annual economic cost of $40 to $50 billion due to sanitation failures.”

The AUSII aims to reverse this trend by promoting a paradigm shift from conventional infrastructure investments to an inclusive, climate-resilient approach tailored to the diverse needs of Africa’s cities. Over the next decade, the initiative is set to directly improve sanitation access for 15 million urban inhabitants through 50 carefully prepared projects. Furthermore, it aims to mobilize $7 billion in commercial and concessional finance to bolster public and private sector sanitation projects.

Dr Mbaziira emphasised that the initiative is crucial to achieving the Africa Water Vision 2025 targets and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set. “Sanitation is a fundamental human right critical to public health, environmental sustainability, and overall well-being,” he said. He underscored the importance of private sector involvement, noting that AUSII will encourage investments from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to drive sustainable urban sanitation solutions.

At the beginning of his statement, Dr Mbaziira led the participants in observing a moment of silence in honour of the late Albert Diphoorn. Bert, as he was popularly known, was a key figure and played a key role in the establishment of the Africa Water Facility, whose contributions to the sector remain impactful today.

Reflecting on the broader impact of the initiative, Dr Mbaziira expressed confidence in AUSII’s ability to transform Africa’s urban sanitation landscape. “The commitment of AMCOW member states to this initiative is firm,” he said. “We are injecting new approaches to increase domestic allocations to the sector, ensuring inclusive and climate-resilient water security across the continent.”

As the first of its kind, the AUSII launch sets the stage for continued progress in Africa’s water and sanitation sectors. Stakeholders and funding partners, including the African Development Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, were lauded for supporting this initiative.

The AUSII will have a second launch at the upcoming Africa Water Week in Cairo, scheduled for October 2024, where further discussions will be held to ensure its successful implementation across the continent.

To read Dr Mbaziira’s full remarks, click the following link:

For further information, visit AWF’s official website at or contact Mar Ajayi M.AJAYI@AFDB.ORG

Dr Mbaziira
Special Messages

AMCOW Executive Secretary’s Remarks at the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII) Launch

August 27th, 2024

Stockholm, Sweden

Dr Rashid Mbaziira, AMCOW Executive Secretary

Excellences, ladies and gentlemen

I am honoured to address you at this official launch of the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII). This new financing window of the African Water Facility (AWF) will address urban sanitation challenges in Africa.

It also marks a key milestone in the growth of the African Water Facility. Before I get into why it is such a key milestone, allow me to request a moment of silence in honour of the late Albert Diphoorn, who passed away earlier this month. He played a key role in formulating the Africa Water Vision 2025 and translating the idea of improving project preparation financing for water and sanitation into the Africa Water Facility, which is the growth we are celebrating today.

Back to the question of why this launch is such a key milestone in the growth of the African Water Facility: We only have to look at some of the statistics on sanitation and hygiene services provision in Africa to appreciate the significance of this investment initiative.

Information from our Africa Water and Sanitation Sector monitoring system indicates that:

  1. as we approach the final milestone year of the Africa Water Vision 2025, and with
  2. less than five years to 2030, the target year of the sustainable development agenda:
    • 400 million people in Africa do not have access to potable water;
    • over 800 million people lack access to safely managed sanitation and basic hygiene services; and,
    • nearly 18% of the population still practice open defecation.

Narrowing the focus to urban areas, which are actually better served than rural areas, over 50% of our rapidly growing population living in these centres of development either:

  1. lacks adequate sanitation services coverage; or,
  2. does not have access to sanitation services of any kind.

That translates into an estimated annual economic cost of US $40 to $50 billion resulting from sanitation failures! Imagining the difference $40-50 billion per annum would make in Africa’s fight against poverty gives an idea of why assuring delivery of inclusive, sustainable and resilient water, sanitation and hygiene services to the entire population on the continent is a fundamental pillar of AMCOW’s work.

More importantly, I will discuss how that would impact the quality of life we aspire for at the grassroots level. In essence, poverty alleviation, food and energy security, as well as the SDGs target for education and health, sustainable cities and communities will not be possible to meet without water security and sustainable sanitation and hygiene services provision.

Excellences, ladies and gentlemen; I may be preaching to the converted, but it does not hurt to highlight that sanitation is a fundamental human right that is critical to public health, environmental sustainability and overall well-being. Especially for women and girls, the lack of access to sanitation and hygiene services is undignified. And as I say that, I am all too aware that inasmuch as appealing to the moral high ground raises passions for this cause, it is communicating this at the same wavelength as what it takes to invest in bringing about dignity that will move the needle.

It is also in this context that Ministers and Heads of Delegations responsible for water, sanitation, hygiene and related affairs in Africa – during the AfricaSan7 Conference held in Swakopmund, Namibia – committed to revitalising the pursuit of the targets of the Ngor declaration through promoting “Accelerated Actions for Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Sanitation and Hygiene Services Delivery in Africa”

The commitment of the Member States to deliver on this promise is undeniable as captured in the 2023 AfricaSan Ngor report based on self-assessments from 40 Member States. Our leadership considers sanitation a fundamental issue that touches on the basics of our societies. It is also an issue that requires genuine and continued attention to address urgent needs and, in particular, articulate the sanitation economy as a key first step to raising the profile of sanitation in national systems for economic planning.

Against this background, the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative is a landmark for the African Water Facility, and for water resources management in Africa in general to accelerate the progress to change the aforementioned statistics.

To date, the Facility has mobilised more than €205 million in grant funding to support the preparation of 135 water and sanitation projects in 52 AU member states.

This funding support leveraged over €1.6 billion in downstream investment in the water and sanitation sectors. As a result, at least an additional 14 million people now have access to a safe water supply.

Over the next decade, the Facility aims to provide 15 million people with safely managed sanitation services through 50 projects while attracting more than €6 billion in additional investments.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative AUSII represents one of the measures being instituted to translate these ambitions into the targeted outcomes. And for this we salute the leadership of the African Water Facility, the African Development Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation for driving forward this ground-breaking initiative.

The Member States of AMCOW fully support the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative. And what better way to demonstrate this than by injecting new approaches to increase domestic allocations to the sector. This is a key priority in ongoing efforts to formulate an Africa Water Vision and Policy framework for assuring inclusive and climate-resilient water security on the continent. Member States both acknowledge with appreciation and urge continued support and commitment from the Facility’s funding partners and stakeholders to fully operationalise the initiative.

We thank you and look forward to welcoming you in October 2024 to Cairo for the 9th Africa Water Week and during which the second AUSII launch will take place.

Thank you

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Press ReleaseSpecial Messages

African Water Facility to launch new financing window for urban sanitation in Africa

What: Launch of the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative

Who: African Development Bank Group, African Water Facility, and Continental Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP)

When: 27 August 2024; 10:00 – 14:00 CET

Where: In-person and virtual, at the 2024 World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden. Register here

On the sidelines of the Stockholm World Water Week and together with the African Union’s AIP International High-Level Panel on Water Investments For Africa, the African Water Facility will launch the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII).

The Facility, hosted by the African Development Bank Group, is the only project preparation and promotion facility solely dedicated to water and sanitation in Africa. The Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative will function as a new financing window for urban sanitation within the African Water Facility, addressing the sanitation challenges in African cities.

Despite sanitation being a fundamental human right, critical to public health, environmental sustainability, and overall well-being, Africa has one of the lowest access rates in the world. An estimated 779 million people on the continent lack basic sanitation services, 208 million still practice open defecation, and 839 million lack basic hygiene services. The African Development Bank estimates that every year, the number of people without access to urban sanitation increases by more than 10 million due to rapid population growth.

The African Water Facility will, through the new sanitation financing window, mobilise and deploy financing, prepare bankable and investment-ready projects, and implement innovative and inclusive approaches such as the city-wide inclusive sanitation approach, which promotes tailor-made sanitation solutions for neighbourhoods and cities. Over the next ten years, the Facility aims to provide 15 million people with safely managed sanitation services through 50 projects and attract $7 billion in additional investments.

The launch is open to African water ministers and representatives of donor institutions, observers, partners, development finance institutions, regional and river basin organisations, the private sector, and the media.


  • Dr Beth Dunford, Vice President for Agriculture, Human and Social Development at the African Development Bank Group
  • Carl-Hermann Gustav Schlettwein, Minister for Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Namibia, and Chair of the African Water Facility Governing Council
  • Dr Rashid Mbaziira, Executive Secretary, African Ministers Council on Water
  • Ms. Satu Santalla, Managing Director, Nordic Development Fund
  • Jumaa Aweso, Minister of Water and Irrigation, Tanzania
  • Ravokatra Fidiniavo, Minister of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Madagascar
  • Jeff Goldberg, Director, Center for Water Security, Sanitation and Hygiene, USAID
  • Anton Jantunen, Sanitation and Hygiene Markets Specialist, United Nations Sanitation and Hygiene Fund
  • Ms. Tina Kollerup Hansen, Senior Vice President, Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance, Denmark Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU)

Simultaneous interpretation in French and English will be provided.

Click here to register.

Media Enquiry

We invite enquiries from the media on the launch of this initiative and its ambition to improve access to urban sanitation in Africa. To speak with our line-up of experts and spokespersons virtually or at the 2024 World Water Week, please contact:

Mary Ajayi, Water and Sanitation Development Department; Communication and External Relations Department:

in memoriam
Special Messages

A Tribute to Africa’s Water and Sanitation Agenda Champion and Supporter – Albert Diphoorn

It is with profound sadness that the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) joins the global water community in celebrating the life of Albert Diphoorn. He was a champion and supporter of Africa’s water agenda. Born in Hoogeveen on 24th April 1953, Albert, known affectionately as Bert, passed away on 9th August 2024, leaving an impressive legacy of dedication, commitment and passion to the water and sanitation sector at various levels.

For the African water community, Albert Diphoorn was not just a colleague; he was a visionary leader and a driving force behind many of the critical water-related initiatives that have shaped the African continent. Bert’s contributions to the water sector can be traced to his early days with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinBuza). He was one of the key architects of the World Water Visioning process leading up to the 2nd World Water Forum in the Hague in 2000. He supported in this context the formulation of the Africa Water Vision 2025, a blueprint that continues to guide the continent’s water and sanitation agenda. He also played a role in establishing AMCOW to provide political guidance in implementing the African Water Vision 2025.

In defining Africa’s priorities in the water sector in the lead-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002, Bert, as a member of the African Water Task Force (AWTF) proposed the need for the African Water Facility (AWF) to provide financing and technical assistance to African states to facilitate access to the major funds especially MFIs through improved capacity in project preparation, feasibility studies and pilot programs which could be scaled up.

He not only contributed immensely to the conceptualization of the Facility but lobbied for seed funding and establishment within the African Development Bank. He saw its implementation as the first Coordinator of the AWF when he was detached to the AfDB solely for that purpose, which he successfully completed, ensuring that its governance structure had equal representation from AMCOW and the Development Partners. As the Facility grows with national-level water resilience projects all over Africa, it is worth noting that Bert’s enthusiasm, dedication and negotiation skills were fundamental for its success.

Bert’s contributions to the early work programmes of AMCOW were also notable. He lobbied hard for funding for early events such as the Africa Village at the WaterDome at the WSSD in Johannesburg, PANAFCON I in Addis Ababa and the World Water Fora in Kyoto, Mexico City and Istanbul. Technical products such as the African Water Development Reporting process and African Water Journal, which was done under the aegis of AMCOW in collaboration with UN-Water/Africa, could not have been done without Bert’s support in lobbying for funding through the UN-Water/Africa Trust, Fund channelled through UNECA. Similarly, his passion and support for the African Water Week series are memorable. 

To political leaders and technical experts, Bert was an additional strategic voice and served as a mentor, a friend, and a steadfast advocate for Africa’s water and sanitation sector. As we commemorate the impactful life he led, his story will continue to remind us of the power of dedication and collaboration towards achieving the water and sanitation goals. 

As we recall the contributions of Albert Diphoorn to the water and sanitation sector, allow us to extend our deepest condolences to his family (Wilma, Tim, Luuk and Tessa), friends, and all those who had the honour of working alongside him.  

May his soul rest in perfect peace.  



AMCOW ES Courtesy call on His Royal Highness, Minister for Natural Resources and Energy, Eswatini

On 25 July, the Executive Secretary made a courtesy call on the Honourable Minister for Natural Resources and Energy, His Royal Highness Prince Lonkhokhela. Underscoring water as an essential ingredient of ambitions for food and energy security; employment creation; human and environmental health; trade and regional integration; as well as peace and security, the need to attract commensurate financing to the water and sanitation sector cannot be overemphasised att. His Royal Highness acknowledged the Africa Water Facility’s support for the feasibility studies for the Nondvo and Hawane dams that will contribute to water infrastructure growth in the country. It was agreed to continue the engagement on how the AMCOW Secretariat can be of more service to the realisation of Kingdom’s water and sanitation agenda. The Executive Secretary was humbled by His Royal Highness’ gift and lesson on wearing the lihiya. Further discussions touched on the plans and overarching goal of the 9th Africa Water Week vis-à-vis ongoing consultation processes to ensure that the post-2025 Africa Water Vision effectively addresses the real needs of Member States.

Later in the day, the Executive Secretary met with the Chief Executive Officer of the Eswatini Joint River Basins Authority, Ms Sindy Mthimkulu. They exchanged ideas on the need to strengthen basin institutions for water management. They emphasised the vitality of sustainable water management to assure water security and enable both social transformation and economic growth.


AMCOW ES Courtesy call on the new Minister for Water Development and Sanitation, Zambia

On 24 July, the Executive Secretary made a courtesy call on the new Minister for Water Development and Sanitation, Hon Collins Nzovu, MP. Discussions centred around developments in the Zambia water sector especially, Zambia’s drought response and measures to control the cholera outbreak. The opportunity was utilised to orientate Hon Nzovu on his role as a member of the Executive Committee of AMCOW. 

In addition, the Executive Secretary updated the Honourable Minister on the outcomes from AMCOW’s engagements at the 10th World Water Forum. Also discussed was the upcoming 9th Africa Water Week on 13-17 October 2024 in Cairo Egypt. The 14th Ordinary Session of the Executive Committee during the Africa Water Week will further guide the process of formulating the post-2025 Africa Water Vision and Policy.

youth indaba

AMCOW ES at the 2024 South Africa National Youth Indaba

On Monday 22 July 2024, the AMCOW Executive Secretary joined the opening session of the 2024 South Africa National Youth Indaba. At the Indaba, Dr Mbaziira delivered a message of support at the invitation of the government of the Republic of South Africa. While, challenging the youth to assume their role, the Executive Secretary stressed the importance of resourcing programmes that meaningfully engage youth in the water and sanitation sector. Themed “The role of the youth in the water sector in Actively embracing the socio-economic gains of our democracy” the 2024 Youth Indaba provided a platform to take stock of programmes targeted at youth, encourage engagements, knowledge sharing and active participation of the youth in Water and Sanitation Sector activities. 

The agenda included an item to formulate an implementation plan for the AMCOW Youth and Gender Inclusion (YoGI) Strategy 2023-2030. The Strategy promotes youth empowerment; gender equity; and social inclusion in efforts to sustainably manage water resources; and ensure equitable provision of water, sanitation and hygiene services in Africa. The YoGI Strategy is aimed at revitalising implementation of AMCOW policies for mainstreaming youth (2013) and gender (2011) in the water and sanitation sector in Africa. In his message, Dr Mbaziira also used the occasion to congratulate Ms Pemmy Castelina Pamela Majodina, on her well-deserved appointment as Minister for Water and Sanitation.  Dr Mbaziira recalled the significant and various roles that South Africa has played, which have helped influence the water as well as sanitation agenda on the continent and contributed to the growth of AMCOW.

PCP news picture

AU and AMCOW Co-Convene the 5th Africa Water and Sanitation Partners’ Coordination Platform

The African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) successfully co-hosted the 5th annual Partners Coordination Platform (PCP) meeting on water and sanitation in Africa. Held on 29-31 July 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria, the event brought together leading organisations, development partners, and stakeholders across the continent. The idea was to enhance coordination, strengthen partnerships, and align efforts to accelerate progress toward water security and sanitation goals in Africa.

The PCP is a vital platform for addressing Africa’s water and sanitation challenges by facilitating resource mobilisation, exchanging information, and promoting collaboration among key institutions. The platform and its contribution to the overall goals of the Africa Water Vision 2025 demonstrate water and sanitation’s roles as critical cross-cutting factors in Africa’s socio-economic development.

The 2022 Water and Sanitation Sector Monitoring Report reveals significant challenges. Millions lack access to safe sanitation and drinking water, and climate change exacerbates the issues, impacting livelihoods and economic growth across Africa. At the 5th PCP meeting, participants focused on the importance of building Africa’s resilience to climate change and ensuring that investments in water and sanitation are climate-proofed. Africa remains vulnerable to the effects of climate change, with its water resources severely impacted, which heightens the urgency for more decisive, well-coordinated action.

The gathering also provided a platform for assessing progress on water-related commitments, including those established under Agenda 2063, the African Union’s climate change and resilient development strategy, and the Africa Water Investment Program (AIP). Emphasis was placed on leveraging tools such as the Africa Water and Sanitation Sector Monitoring and Reporting System (WASSMO) and the AIP PIDA Water Investment Scorecard to track water-related investments, improve accountability, and guide future actions.

One of the core objectives of the PCP meeting was to enhance data, knowledge, and reporting mechanisms across the continent to inform better decision-making. Delegates exchanged insights on ongoing water and sanitation initiatives, identified gaps, and recommended future interventions. Key priorities that emerged included ensuring greater access to safe water and sanitation, improving institutional capacity for water governance, and enhancing the coordination of projects spanning transboundary basins and regional economic communities.

In addition to these technical discussions, the meeting allowed stakeholders to share reflections on Africa’s participation at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia. This exchange of experiences envisioned shaping Africa’s position at upcoming global and regional events, such as World Water Week, COP29, and the 9th edition of Africa Water Week.

Expected outcomes of the PCP meeting include enhanced insights into ongoing and planned initiatives and ideas for improving synergies across water and sanitation efforts and organisations. At the core of the consultation were the valuable contributions to the development of a Post-2025 Africa Water Vision and the African Union Water Policy. Also, the groundwork was laid to ensure Africa’s strong and coordinated representation on global platforms and advance a collective and impactful voice on water issues through the Africa Pavilion initiative. Participants at the 5th PCP meeting included representatives from AUC, AMCOW, AfDB, AUDA-NEPAD, UNECA, regional economic communities, basin organisations, civil society networks, development partners, and UN agencies such as UNICEF and UN-Water. These stakeholders are committed to continuing their collaboration to meet Africa’s water and sanitation challenges head-on.

courtesy call to cote d’ivore

AMCOW Reinforces Synergy in Côte d’Ivoire

From July 17 to 20, 2024, the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) conducted a strategic courtesy visit to key water sector stakeholders in Côte d’Ivoire. The mission was led by Executive Secretary Dr Rashid Mbaziira, alongside Patrice Leumeni and Comfort Kanshio – Policy Officers Monitoring and Reporting and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene—the mission aimed to reinforce synergy and align efforts with critical sector actors to address Africa’s water-related challenges.

The visit was marked by high-level meetings with stakeholders, including the Ministry of Water and Forestry, the Africa Water Facility (AWF), and the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA).

During the courtesy call to Côte d’Ivoire’s Minister of Water and Forestry, Hon. Laurent Tchagba, AMCOW emphasised the importance of regional cooperation in addressing Africa’s pressing water challenges. The discussions focused on the outcomes of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, the need for capacity building, and the critical role of domestic financing for African water projects. Minister Tchagba pledged Côte d’Ivoire’s support for AMCOW’s objectives, expressing willingness to host a future major AMCOW event and confirming participation in the 9th Africa Water Week in Cairo this October.

The AMCOW delegation also engaged with the Africa Water Facility (AWF), represented by AfDB Director of Water and Sanitation, Oswald Chanda. The dialogue appraised the collaboration at the 10th World Water Forum and explored ways to sustain the momentum raised. The AWF committed to supporting the 9th Africa Water Week and contributing to the post-2025 Africa Water Vision consultation process.

Further discussions with AfWASA led to agreements on joint efforts for data collection and reporting, particularly for the Africa Water and Sanitation Sector Monitoring and Reporting (WASSMO) platform. AfWASA confirmed its participation in the 9th Africa Water Week and committed to collaborating on advocacy for the post-2025 Africa Water Vision.

This visit is one of those demonstrations of AMCOW’s coordination role in Africa’s water sector. Côte d’Ivoire’s government pledged support for AMCOW’s future initiatives. The mission provided valuable insights into strengthening advocacy efforts, improving data collection mechanisms, and advancing the next phase of Africa’s water sector strategy.

AMCOW will continue to build on these partnerships and creating synergies, with follow-up actions planned for supporting national water projects in Côte d’Ivoire, revising the WASSMO third phase proposal, and advancing stakeholder consultations for the post-2025 Africa Water Vision. These efforts are crucial to ensuring a sustainable and water-secure future for Africa.