
11 TY Danjuma Street, Abuja Nigeria

+234 9096074166

AMCOW Jobs Senior Policy Officer-Water Resources Management

Chargé de mission principal, Gestion des ressources en eau

Grade : P4 (dans une grille de gradation professionnelle allant de P1 à P5)

Contexte de base :
AMCOW est une institution intergouvernementale et non budgétaire qui travaille sous l’égide du Comité technique spécialisé sur l’agriculture, le développement rural, l’eau et l’environnement de l’Union africaine (UA). Notre mission est de fournir un leadership politique, une orientation politique et un plaidoyer dans la fourniture, l’utilisation et la gestion des ressources en eau pour un développement social et économique durable et le maintien des écosystèmes africains. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter : Le poste de Chargé de mission principal, Gestion des ressources en eau, est l’une des principales fonctions de gestion relevant du directeur des programmes au secrétariat de l’AMCOW, situé à Abuja, au Nigeria. L’étendue des responsabilités du poste est décrite ci-dessous.

Responsabilités :
Le Chargé de mission principal, Gestion des ressources en eau, sera responsable de la programmation et de la coordination de la mise en œuvre des activités du Secrétariat visant à assurer la gestion durable des ressources en eau de l’Afrique.
Ses principales responsabilités sont les suivantes :
1)     Arrangements politiques, réglementaires et institutionnels : Diriger les initiatives de l’AMCOW visant à renforcer les systèmes de gouvernance de l’eau et les structures de gestion en Afrique. Les interventions connexes promeuvent et facilitent la gestion et la gouvernance transfrontalières des ressources en eau de l’Afrique, axées sur l’investissement. L’accent est mis en particulier sur le respect des engagements pris par les dirigeants politiques africains en vue de :
a)     augmenter les dotations nationales au secteur de l’eau, de l’assainissement et de l’hygiène, et attirer les investissements pour le développement, l’utilisation et la gestion des ressources en eau. L’une des principales stratégies de l’AMCOW consiste à renforcer les arguments économiques en faveur des investissements dans le secteur de l’eau en Afrique afin d’améliorer les capacités humaines et institutionnelles, de construire des infrastructures et d’améliorer les systèmes d’information à l’appui de la gestion de l’eau ;
b)     innover dans les mécanismes de gestion de la demande et améliorer l’efficacité de la production, de l’approvisionnement et de l’utilisation de l’eau dans l’agriculture ;
c)     contribuer à l’amélioration de la gouvernance en matière d’assainissement et des mécanismes de prestation de services en ce qui concerne:
i)       améliorer l’intégrité environnementale par la gestion des eaux usées et de la qualité de l’eau
ii)     promouvoir les systèmes circulaires pour les cycles de l’eau urbaine et l’assainissement productif ; et,
iii)    un programme WASH résilient.
d)     mobiliser les réseaux d’eau souterraine et les acteurs vers une approche commune, harmonisée et basée sur des preuves de l’utilisation et de la gestion durable des eaux souterraines dans le cadre de la Vision africaine de l’eau 2025, des ODD et de l’Agenda 2063 de l’UA ;
e)     renforcer les liens institutionnels et les accords opérationnels entre l’AMCOW et ses partenaires techniques, de mise en œuvre et de financement dans le cadre du nexus eau, énergie, alimentation et écosystèmes (WEFE) ; et
f)      renforcer les mécanismes de suivi du financement du secteur – au niveau de l’AMCOW – et renforcer les mécanismes de coordination, d’effet de levier et d’amélioration de l’efficacité de l’utilisation des fonds de l’aide publique au développement (APD) dans le secteur.
2)     Engagement des parties prenantes : Contribuer au renforcement des processus décisionnels en facilitant techniquement l’interaction, à tous les niveaux, des acteurs gouvernementaux et non gouvernementaux, y compris le secteur privé. Le titulaire du poste dirigera les efforts du secrétariat pour traduire le programme d’action prioritaire de l’AMCOW en matière de gestion des ressources en eau en partenariats d’action visant à :
a)     promouvoir la comptabilité économique de l’eau en tant que discipline pour, entre autres, améliorer les perspectives de financement et d’investissement pour la gestion des ressources en eau en Afrique ;
b)     motiver les actions visant à améliorer les capacités nationales de collecte de données hydrométéorologiques et piézométriques complètes et fiables dans l’ensemble des 64 bassins fluviaux partagés de l’Afrique ;
c)     appliquer des solutions fondées sur la perspective du lien entre l’eau, l’alimentation et l’énergie pour assurer la sécurité de l’eau, de l’alimentation et de l’énergie en Afrique ;
d)     améliorer la gestion de l’eau agricole, notamment en facilitant l’utilisation des déchets comme ressource agricole au niveau national ;
e)     catalyser la mise en œuvre des projets prioritaires relatifs aux eaux transfrontalières dans le deuxième plan d’action prioritaire du programme pour le développement des infrastructures en Afrique (PIDA) ;
f)      promouvoir et faciliter le développement multifonctionnel des bassins “verts” axé sur les infrastructures naturelles et construites afin de fournir un continuum de solutions de stockage de l’eau ;
g)     aider les États membres et les organisations de bassins fluviaux et lacustres à réaliser des évaluations des ressources en eau, en évaluant la disponibilité des ressources en eaux souterraines et l’impact du changement climatique sur la disponibilité de l’eau douce ;
h)     aider les États membres à surveiller et à gérer l’utilisation des eaux souterraines ;
i)       promouvoir l’élaboration de cadres juridiques, politiques et institutionnels pour la gestion des eaux usées et le déversement en toute sécurité des effluents dans les cours d’eau et les aquifères transfrontaliers ;
j)       améliorer l’accès et le contrôle des ressources, des actifs, des capacités, de l’agence et des opportunités pour les groupes vulnérables au climat et marginalisés ; et,
k)     mobiliser les partenariats institutionnels pour renforcer la sécurité de l’eau.
3)     Mobilisation des ressources  : Travailler en étroite collaboration avec le Chargé de mission principal – Gouvernance et partenariats pour mobiliser des fonds et coordonner des initiatives à l’appui des activités d’AMCOW. Les activités s’articulent autour des plans de travail du secrétariat, des plans d’engagement avec les partenaires et des projets PIDA-PAP sur les eaux transfrontalières. Les responsabilités du titulaire sont les suivantes :
a)     instituer des mécanismes pour mettre en œuvre des projets identifiés pour leurs avantages partagés, notamment la capacité d’attirer des investissements :
b)     l’exploitation des flux de financement des partenaires pour la mise en œuvre du programme de travail de l’AMCOW ;
c)     diriger la conception et la formulation de plans d’engagement en faveur de la gestion des ressources en eau et coordonner leur mise en œuvre avec les CER, les organisations régionales et locales, les partenaires techniques et de mise en œuvre, ainsi qu’avec d’autres acteurs du secteur ;
d)     contribuer aux réunions et aux engagements du cadre de coordination des partenaires au développement du secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement (CCPD).
Les autres responsabilités comprennent, sans s’y limiter à :
1)     Renforcer la présence et la visibilité d’AMCOW au niveau national et régional, dans le but de promouvoir des outils de prise de décision efficaces et des informations utiles sur la gestion durable des ressources en eau sur le continent.
2)     Promouvoir les synergies régionales et les efforts nationaux en matière de gestion des ressources en eau et institutionnaliser les mécanismes de coordination de la gestion des ressources en eau au sein du Secrétariat.
Plus précisément, le chargé de mission principal, Gestion des ressources en eau, est responsable de la gestion des activités clés suivantes :
1)     Assurer une utilisation et une visibilité cohérentes et appropriées de la marque AMCOW en améliorant les activités, l’efficacité et la portée de la gestion des ressources en eau, afin de renforcer la sensibilisation et la compréhension des questions de gestion des ressources en eau parmi les parties prenantes par le biais d’événements nationaux, régionaux et grand public tels que la Semaine africaine de l’eau et les Conférences AfricaSan ;                        
Collaborer avec le responsable de la gestion des connaissances et de la communication pour préparer les communiqués de presse et les messages d’interview, ainsi que pour coordonner, relire et assurer la diffusion du contenu des bulletins d’information d’AMCOW et d’autres types de matériel d’apprentissage et de documents politiques.

Caractéristiques essentielles:
1)     Au moins 12 ans d’expérience professionnelle, de préférence dans le secteur de l’eau, dont au moins 6 ans d’expérience dans la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (GIRE), l’analyse de la sécurité de l’eau, la planification et le plaidoyer.
2)     Expérience directe ou expérience de travail avec des partenaires soutenant les initiatives politiques liées à la GIRE et les programmes de travail de la CUA, du secrétariat de l’AMCOW, de l’AUDA-NEPAD, des CER et des organismes régionaux de bassin.
3)     Engagement avéré en faveur de l’excellence et de la qualité des résultats mesurés, du développement et de l’opérationnalisation des programmes dans un cadre intergouvernemental.
4)     Une expérience probante dans les domaines suivants :
a)     la facilitation efficace des processus techniques et la coordination des processus multipartites à forte visibilité ;
b)     la fixation de priorités et l’élaboration de dispositions de mise en œuvre dans des environnements opérationnels politiquement sensibles et techniquement exigeants ; et,
c)     la responsabilité technique de la qualité et du contenu des rapports d’aide à la décision au niveau politique.
5)     Excellentes compétences en matière de diplomatie et d’établissement de relations, avec une capacité à établir des priorités, à négocier et à travailler avec une variété de partenaires techniques, de mise en œuvre et de développement interculturels et de haut niveau, ainsi qu’avec les États membres.
Aptitude à effectuer plusieurs tâches à la fois, capable de porter plusieurs chapeaux dans un environnement rapide, stimulant et gratifiant.

Formation, qualifications professionnelles et certification :
Un master ou un doctorat dans un domaine lié à la gestion de l’eau et des ressources naturelles connexes, à l’ingénierie et à la fourniture de services d’approvisionnement en eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène.

Exigences linguistiques :
Maîtrise courante et avancée de l’anglais et/ou du français grâce à l’éducation et à l’expérience dans un contexte professionnel.
La maîtrise du portugais et/ou de l’arabe serait un atout

Compétences :
1)     Solides compétences proactives en matière de développement commercial.
2)     Compétences supérieures en matière de communication et de présentation.
3)     Diplomatie et capacité de persuasion très raffinées.
4)     Très bonnes aptitudes à l’apprentissage et au partage des connaissances.
5) Solides compétences en matière de constitution d’équipes et de motivation.

Compétences informatiques :
1)     Utilisation experte de la suite d’applications Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
2)     Familiarité avec les outils de gestion de projet.
3) Bonne connaissance et, de préférence, expérience professionnelle des technologies basées sur l’informatique en nuage.

Conditions d’âge :
Le candidat ne doit pas être âgé de plus de 55 ans à la date du 1er août 2023.

Valeurs :
1)     Une éthique professionnelle élevée au-delà de la conformité légale.
2)     Engagement envers le bien public.
3)     Engagement en faveur de la qualité et de l’excellence, du partage des connaissances et du maintien de la confiance du public.
4)     Responsabilité envers le secrétariat d’AMCOW, les États membres de l’UA et les partenaires et parties prenantes d’AMCOW.
5) Transparence, honnêteté et intégrité, y compris ouverture et flexibilité interculturelles.

Conditions de citoyenneté :
Le ou la candidat/e doit être un/e ressortissant/e d’un des États membres de l’UA

Les candidats intéressés par ce poste doivent soumettre leur candidature officielle au plus tard le 31 août 2023 à l’adresse électronique suivante :

Dépôt des candidatures
Le Secrétaire exécutif,
Conseil des ministres africains chargés de l’eau  (AMCOW),
No. 11, T.Y. Danjuma Street, Asokoro District,
Abuja, Nigeria .
Email :;
Les candidatures féminines sont vivement encouragées.
Veuillez noter que seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés.
Special Messages

Financing nature – A Call for financial solutions for biodiversity and climate adaptation

Sida is issuing a Call for expressions of interest, to mobilise private sector capital towards positive impact for biodiversity and climate adaptation globally and regionally in Africa.

Why a call for nature?

Climate change and loss of biodiversity present two increasingly important challenges for modern civilisation. Biologically diverse ecosystems are critical for livelihoods, health and well-being, and nature underpins a majority of economic activities. Ecosystem services are also central in society’s response to climate change, in building resilience and adapting to its effects.

The objective of this Call is to identify and select partners suitable for a Sida guarantee, for mobilising capital towards outcomes, services and behaviours that benefit nature.

The Sida guarantee is a flexible risk mitigation instrument, designed to share risk with private actors to mobilise capital. When Sida shares risk with investors they can raise additional capital and take on additional risks that otherwise would not be possible. Click here to: visit the Sida website for full application details.

Nelson Gomonda
Special Messages

AMCOW Welcomes its New Director of Programmes (DP)- Mr Nelson Gomonda

The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) welcomes a new Director of Programmes in the person of Mr Nelson Gomonda.

Nelson Gomonda is a highly accomplished development professional from Malawi with a track record of over 26 years in the field. With a strong focus on the Water and Sanitation Sector, he has amassed over 15 years of consistent experience at various levels.

Recently, Nelson served as the Senior Policy Specialist at WaterAid, where he played a pivotal role in driving governance initiatives. Before this, he was a consultant supporting renowned institutions, including the African Union. During his tenure at the African Development Bank in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, Nelson excelled as a Water Supply and Sanitation Consultant for over three years until December 2021.

His expertise extends to his time at Sanitation and Water for All (SWA), where he contributed as a WASH Specialist in supporting High-Level Political Dialogue held at UNICEF in New York. Nelson’s impactful work also includes his leadership role at the Africa Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) Secretariat in Abuja, where he spearheaded the development of a web-based monitoring and reporting system for Africa’s water and sanitation sector.

Throughout his career, Nelson has garnered valuable experience working with esteemed organizations such as WaterAid, the European Union (EU) Delegation in Malawi, the DFID-supported Poverty and Policy Project, the UNDP-supported Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy (MPRS) project under the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, and GIZ.

Nelson holds a Master’s Degree in Policy Studies, which he earned in 2000 through a joint program offered by the Universities of Zimbabwe and Fort Hare in South Africa. His multifaceted background and his passion for sustainable development position him as a seasoned professional in driving positive change within the Water and Sanitation Sector.

Join us to receive Nelson heartily as he resumes office on 1 July 2023 at AMCOW Secretariat to continue his impactful work advancing water and sanitation initiatives across Africa.

KM Onboarding 21June2023

Introductory Meeting with AMCOW Knowledge Management Focal Points

The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) has organised an introductory meeting for its first batch of knowledge management (KM) focal persons from 13 member states. It is a significant step forward in its commitment to enhancing KM in the water and sanitation sector. This initiative aligns with the Africa Water and Sanitation Knowledge Management Challenge, launched by AMCOW during the Stockholm World Water Week 2021.

26 Focal Points (14 males, 12 females) attended the meeting, representing Egypt, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, South Sudan, Togo, Botswana, and Rwanda. These professionals bring diverse expertise in water supply engineering, general water research, groundwater research, hydrogeology, international relations, water resources development, urban sanitation, data management, geology, knowledge management, and more.

The introductory meeting aimed to welcome the KM Focal Points, familiarise them with the Africa Water and Sanitation KM Challenge and outline the upcoming activities. In his opening remarks, Dr Rashid Mbaziira, the Executive Secretary of AMCOW, represented by Patrice Leumeni, AMCOW’s Monitoring and Reporting Lead, emphasised the importance of the initiative. The Focal Points will undergo training in KM principles and practices and develop country-specific KM strategies. Their contributions will help create a continental Knowledge Agenda for Africa’s water and sanitation sector. They will also help to drive the broader awareness and use of the yearly Africa Water and Sanitation Sector Monitoring (WASSMO) Report produced by AMCOW. Dr Mbaziira also expressed his desire for the Focal Points to actively participate in AMCOW’s sub-regional consultations to deepen their understanding of AMCOW’s programmes.

The meeting featured presentations that provided an overview of AMCOW, the composition of activities within the Knowledge Management Challenge, and subsequent implementation plans. Additionally, the Focal Points were informed that they would also serve as drivers for gender and youth inclusion in their respective countries, where such initiatives may not yet be in place.

An exciting highlight of the meeting was the realisation that the Focal Points would play a vital role in fostering robust south-south collaboration, knowledge creation, and exchange among AMCOW member state through the outlined initiatives. AMCOW Secretariat, in cooperation with its partners, will continue to cultivate and strengthen this initiative while also mobilising the participation of other member states to achieve the target nomination of 110 focal points (two from each country, one male and one female). The Knowledge Management Challenge was launched by the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Republic of Namibia and AMCOW President 2020-2022, H E Carl Hermann Schlettwein. Water This introductory meeting marks a significant milestone in AMCOW’s ongoing commitment to improving African water and sanitation practices through enhanced knowledge management. The dedication and expertise of the Focal Points will play a crucial role in achieving the goals of the Africa Water and Sanitation KM Challenge, contributing to sustainable development across the continent.


Day 1 of AMCOW’s 13th General Assembly Sparks Expectancy and Renewed Commitment to Africa’s Water Vision

Over 41 African Member States gathered today at the African Ministers’ Council on Water’s (AMCOW) 13th General Assembly in Cairo, Egypt. The highly anticipated event, held under the esteemed leadership of Dr Tahani Sileet, Chairperson of AMCOW’s Technical Advisory Committee, saw the participation of Technical Advisory Committee members from 41 countries and various partners.

The General Assembly began with captivating opening remarks from esteemed personalities, setting the stage for an impactful meeting. Dr Rashid Mbaziira, Executive Secretary of AMCOW, presented the Governance Framework and Rules of Procedures, providing a solid foundation for the statutory meetings. The discussions that followed were nothing short of remarkable.

(From left to right) Engr Tahani Sileet, Head of Central Department for External Cooperation Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation
The Arab Republic of Egypt and AMCOW TAC Chair, Dr Rashid Mbaziira, AMCOW Executive Secretary

Participants were treated to an inspiring documentary film – An Overview of AMCOW – that shed light on the history and purpose of AMCOW. The film eloquently captured the motivations of AMCOW’s founding leaders and emphasised the critical value of water. Notably, Mr Bai Mas Tall, the first substantive Executive of AMCOW, passionately proclaimed that AMCOW stands as the only Ministerial Council on Water worldwide.

Buoyed up by these powerful anecdotes, attendees delved into other crucial presentations, including the AMCOW Strategy 2018-2030, the 2022 Annual Report on the Implementation of the July 2008 Assembly Declaration (also known as the Africa Water and Sanitation Monitoring Report), the Audit Report on the Financial Statement for the Year ended 31st December 2022, and 2023. The revised AMCOW Gender and Youth Inclusion Strategy took centre stage, garnering extensive attention as it neared adoption and presentation to the Council of Ministers. Ensuring that the strategy genuinely reflected the voice of the Member States became a shared priority.

According to Dr Tahani, the urgency to facilitate action on achieving the water and sanitation goals of the continent cannot be overemphasised. Hence this 13th Ordinary Session of the General Assembly at this time.

Following a rejuvenating health break, participants invested significant time deliberating the Action on Water Adaptation and Resilience (AWARe) initiative and AMCOW’s involvement at the UN 2023 Water Conference. These conversations illuminated the regional and national priorities embedded in AMCOW’s work programmes.

Moreover, the meeting addressed the importance of increasing Member States’ involvement in AMCOW’s programs and the need to sustain initiatives within AMCOW even as they evolve into institutionalised entities. The sense of unity and shared commitment among participants fueled anticipation for the outcomes of this gathering.

As the 13th General Assembly unfolds, hopes run high for its transformative impact on the water sector. The post-2025 Africa Water Vision is set to receive a substantial boost, with countries eagerly raising their priorities and embracing an invigorated drive towards its realisation. AMCOW remains steadfast in its mission to guide and implement strategies that ensure Africa’s water resources are managed sustainably and inclusively.

This General Assembly is a testament to African Member States’ enduring dedication and collective determination to overcome water challenges and create a brighter future for the continent. With renewed energy and shared aspirations, AMCOW marches towards a future where clean water and sanitation are accessible to all Africans.

Press Release

Egypt to Host AMCOW’s 13th General Assembly

The 13th Ordinary Session of the General Assembly (GA) of the Governing Council of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) will be hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt in Cairo.

The GA, which will hold from 13-15 June 2023, will consider and guide the formulation and pursuits of AMCOW aspirations and ongoing interventions. These include mobilising the active involvement of the Member States and partners in the formulation of the post-2025 Africa Water Vision and advocating cooperation in the management of water resources through multi-sectoral approaches and water-energy-food-ecosystem perspectives.

The GA will also raise its profile and increase awareness of the value of water as the most precious resource for life and key to climate change adaptation and resilience. The assembly also presents a platform for setting a biennial agenda for Africa’s water and sanitation sector by the Council of Ministers. The principles of a bottom-up-top-down approach will be applied to adopt continental policy initiatives informed by Member States’ priorities at the national and regional levels.

Similarly, ownership of these initiatives is demonstrated by their domestication for implementation at the appropriate levels. It is in this regard that AMCOW executes its mandate as the working group on water and sanitation of the Africa Union’s Specialised Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (ARDWE).

The expected outcome would guide cooperative action in the management of Africa’s water resources to support continent-wide aspirations for social transformation, economic growth, regional integration, peace and security. It will also guide the application of information and knowledge resources to promote best practices in water policy reforms and water, food and energy security.

The Council would also agree on transboundary water resources management and water services provision, initiatives, action on climate change adaptation and mitigation studies and developing policies and strategies for mitigating and managing water-related disaster risks.

AMCOW plans to strengthen mechanisms to assure commensurate financial flows to the sector to deliver on continental and global commitments to achieve African water and sanitation goals.

About 135 participants are expected, including representatives of the African Union Commission (AUC), the 55 Ministers responsible for water, 55 TAC and Technical Experts Committees (TEC) members, staff of the Ministry for Water and Irrigation of the Arab Republic of Egypt and AMCOW secretariat.

Photo Credit. Nile River by Harold Edwin Hurst, Charles Gordon Smith, Magdi M. El-Kammash: Encyclopedia Britannica


Africa Shapes a Kampala Declaration on Transboundary Water Resources Management

ENTEBBE, Uganda – The four-day high-level meeting held from May 22 to May 25, 2023, at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort in Kampala concluded with the landmark Kampala Declaration on Transboundary Water Resources Management in Africa. This significant gathering, organized by the African Network of Basin Organizations (ANBO) in collaboration with the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), GIZ, and the World Bank, marked the first of its kind and emphasized the crucial need for enhanced cooperation among these institutions.

During the meeting, key stakeholders, including the African Regional Communities (RECs), the River and Lake Basin Organizations (RLBOs), the African Development Bank, and other Development Partners, agreed on the Kampala Declaration. This declaration outlines a comprehensive set of commitments to strengthen collaboration, leverage resources, advance transboundary projects, enhance data and information services, and institutionalise high-level engagements. The shared objective is to effectively manage and develop shared water resources in support of Africa’s socio-economic growth, regional integration, and the achievement of key regional and global goals, such as the African Union Agenda 2063, Africa Water Vision 2025, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on SDG 6 and its targets.

The meeting commenced with an opening address by the Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, First Deputy Prime Minister and East African Community Affairs Minister. She emphasised the importance of effective water governance and policy harmonisation in addressing the continent’s water challenges. Professor Patrick Otieno Lumumba delivered an inspiring keynote address, underscoring the pivotal role of the river and lake basin organizations in Africa’s socio-economic transformation and the need for self-reliance.

Representing the Development Partner perspective, Anders Jägerskog, Program Manager of the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA), highlighted the World Bank’s commitment to supporting transboundary water cooperation as a public good that fosters conflict prevention and climate resilience. Dr Malte Grossman, Head of Nile Basin Projects at GIZ Uganda, stressed the significance of peer-to-peer learning among River and Lake Basin Organizations, emphasising the importance of sustained networking.

Eng. Sylvester Matemu, President of the African Network of Basin Organizations, underscored the regional importance of this high-level stakeholder engagement, stating that transboundary water cooperation is vital for sustainable water management, development, and the protection of the environment. Hon. Beatrice Atim Anywar, Uganda’s State Minister for Water and Environment, emphasised the cooperative approach required to address water resources’ threats.

Dr Rashid Mbaziira, the Executive Secretary of AMCOW, called upon all stakeholders to act on the commitments outlined in the Kampala Declaration, urging them to institutionalise this high-level gathering as an annual event for monitoring progress. As part of the meeting’s agenda, delegates also visited the Source of the Nile River in Jinja and a hydroelectric power plant, highlighting the practical aspects of transboundary water management. AMCOW’s active participation and collaboration in this high-level stakeholder engagement have resulted in the development of the Kampala Declaration. This comprehensive framework sets the stage for enhanced cooperation, sustainable development, and protection of African shared water resources.


AMCOW Secretariat discusses with Kenya plans for its 13th General Assembly

We are excited to announce that the Executive Secretary of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), Dr Rashid Mbaziira, recently visited Kenya to discuss plans for the upcoming 13th General Assembly of the Governing Council.

The General Assembly is a crucial event for AMCOW as it provides an opportunity for the African Ministers responsible for water to come together and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the water sector in Africa. Hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Ordinary Session will hold from 13-15 June – with two major sessions comprising a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Session and a Ministerial Session.

(From left to right) Executive Secretary of AMCOW, Dr Rashid Mbaziira and Kenya Cabinet Secretary (CS), Hon Alice Wahome.

During his visit, Dr Mbaziira met with AMCOW’s EXCO Member and Vice President of the Eastern Africa Region, CS Hon Alice Wahome.

The meeting was held on 26th March and was focused on discussing the preparations for the upcoming General Assembly. Dr Mbaziira and CS Hon Alice Wahome discussed various plans and strategies to ensure the success of the General Assembly. They also discussed the importance of ensuring the event is inclusive and representative of all African countries.

We are confident that the upcoming General Assembly will be a success, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Arab Republic of Egypt and EXCO Members.

We look forward to welcoming the African Ministers responsible for water to the 13th General Assembly of the Governing Council of the African Ministers’ Council on Water.

We will provide more updates on this significant event.

AWF EngScreenshot (107)

Africa Water Facility Publishes its 2023 Newsletter

Africa Water Facility Newsletter

The African Water Facility (AWF) has published the first issue of its 2023 newsletters. Under the theme ‘working for water’, the newsletter underlines the need to continue to deploy resources across sectors and industries to achieve access to water and sanitation for all in Africa.

In this first edition of the 2023 newsletter, you’ll find news on AWF’s updated investment case, knowledge management products, an overview of the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII) – a sanitation window to be hosted by the AWF, some highlights of AWF’s activities and industry moments in the first quarter of 2023, and more.

To read the newsletter in English or French, download it via the links below:

Africa Water Facility Newsletter 2023

La Facilité africaine de l’eau (FAE) a publié le premier numéro de sa lettre d’information 2023. Sous le thème “Travailler pour l’eau”, elle souligne la nécessité de continuer à déployer des ressources à travers les secteurs et les industries afin d’assurer l’accès à l’eau et à l’assainissement pour tous en Afrique.

 Dans ce bulletin, vous trouverez des informations sur le dossier d’investissement actualisé de la FAE, des produits de gestion des connaissances, un aperçu de l’Initiative d’investissement pour l’assainissement urbain en Afrique (AUSII) – une fenêtre d’assainissement qui sera hébergée par la FAE, quelques points forts des activités de la FAE et des moments forts de l’industrie au cours du premier trimestre 2023, et bien d’autres choses encore.

 Pour lire la lettre d’information en anglais ou en français, téléchargez-la via les liens ci-dessous:

Group Photograph of Participants at the High-level Stakeholders Engagement on Transboundary Water Resources Management in Africa

Furthering Commitments to Transboundary Water Cooperation in Africa

ENTEBBE, Uganda – On May 25, 2023, a four-day high-level meeting was held at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort in Kampala, culminating in the si­gning of the Kampala Declaration on Transboundary Water Resour­ces Management in Africa. This pi­oneering gathering, organised by the African Network of Basin Or­ganizations (ANBO) in collabora­tion with NBI, African Ministers‘ Council on Water (AMCOW), GIZ, and the World Bank, aimed to fos­ter closer cooperation among these institutions. The focus was enhan­cing their organisational capacities and increasing their responsiveness to the continent‘s pressing water needs.

The Kampala Declaration commits several key stakeholders, including the African Ministers‘ Council on Water (AMCOW), the African Re­gional Communities (RECs), the African Network of Basin Organiz­ations (ANBO), the River and Lake Basin Organisations (RLBOs), the African Development Bank, and other Development Partners, to specific actions:

  1. Strengthen Collaboration: The declaration‘s signatories will work towards reinforcing collaboration mechanisms between River and Lake Basin Organisations. By doing so, they can ensure more effective management of shared water resources, paving the way for socio-economic development in Africa.
  2. Leverage Resources: Deve­lopment Partners will provide technical and financial resources through existing and new coope­ration arrangements to support transboundary water manage­ment. This collaborative effort will be instrumental in achieving regi­onal and global goals, including the African Union Agenda 2063, Africa Water Vision 2025, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 6 and its targets.
  3. Investment in Transboundary Projects: Efforts to invest in trans­boundary projects will be inten­sified, aligning with regional and global goals. This approach will fa­cilitate progress toward key deve­lopment objectives and enhance water, energy, and food security while protecting the environment.
  4. Collaboration in Data and In­formation Services: The stake­holders recognise the critical role of data and information services in informed decision-making. By strengthening cooperation in this area, they aim to improve knowledge-based decision-ma­king processes across the conti­nent.
  5. Institutionalise High-Level Engagements: The heads of River and Lake Basin Organisations will engage in regular high-level inter­actions to assess progress, share lessons, and prioritise actions. The institutionalisation of these en­gagements will be supplemented by annual meetings to be con­ducted under the auspices of the Governing Council of the AMCOW Executive Committee.
Group photograph of a cross-section of key partners and members of the high table during the stakeholders’ engagement on transboundary water cooperation in Africa, Kampala, Uganda.

The meeting commenced with the opening remarks by the Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, First De­puty Prime Minister and Minister of East African Community Affairs, who emphasised the need for ade­quate water governance at appro­priate levels. Professor Patrick Oti­eno Lumumba delivered a stirring keynote address, highlighting the importance of unity among river and lake basin organisations and the significance of self-reliance.

Representatives from Develop­ment Partners, including Anders Jägerskog and Dr Malte Grossman, underscored the value of trans­boundary water cooperation in preventing conflicts and building climate resilience—the President of the African Network of Basin Orga­nizations, Eng. Sylvester Matemu, highlighted the critical role of coo­peration in achieving water, energy, food security and environmental protection.

The closing remarks by Hon. Be­atrice Atim Anywar, Uganda‘s State Minister for Water and En­vironment, emphasised adopting a cooperative approach to tack­le the threats to water resources. Dr Rashid Mbaziira, the Executi­ve Secretary of AMCOW, called on stakeholders to implement the commitments outlined in the Kam­pala Declaration and institutiona­lise this high-level gathering as an annual event for monitoring pro­gress.

The meeting concluded with an excursion to Jinja, where the dele­gates visited the Source of the Nile River and a hydroelectric power plant, further highlighting the im­portance of sustainable water re­source management.

The Kampala Declaration marks a pivotal step towards greater trans­boundary water cooperation in Af­rica. The commitments made by key stakeholders demonstrate their dedication to addressing the region‘s pressing water challen­ges and working collaboratively for sustainable development and env­ironmental preservation. By acting on these commitments and insti­tutionalising the annual gathering, African nations can foster a future of shared prosperity and resilience through cooperative management of their precious water resources.

Click here to download the Kampala Declaration.