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African Union Commission building
Special Messages

A Water Theme for the Africa Union in 2026

Distinguished Stakeholders of the African Water Sector,

The AMCOW Secretariat provides the update below on the major achievements from AMCOW’s engagements during the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union. These are in line with ongoing processes to implement Council Decision EXCO/13/2022/WDH/1 on raising the profile of water and sanitation. The Council appealed, through the Specialised Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment (STC on ARDWE), to the Assembly of the African Union to adopt water and sanitation as the theme of the Union in 2026.

To provide context to how the decisions of the organs of the African Union are taken, a basic illustration of the policy organs of the AU is presented below.

The 5th Ordinary Session of the STC on ARDWE was held in November 2023 in Addis Ababa in November 2023. It endorsed, among others, the appeal of the Council of Ministers to make 2026 a year of the African Union on Water and Sanitation.

The full report of the STC on ARDWE is herewith provided as Ref_002b (EX.CL/1471(XLIV)).

The report – EX.CL/1471(XLIV) – was tabled for the consideration of the Executive Council (EX.CL) during its 44th Ordinary Session held on 14-15 February 2024. The relevant decisions of the Executive Council are as follows:

  1. EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/31: ENDORSED for submission to the to the AU in February 2024, the following documents:

ii) the 2022 Annual Report of the Commission on the July 2008 Assembly Declaration regarding the Sharm ElSheikh Commitments for Accelerating the Achievement of Water and Sanitation Goals in Africa, as per Assembly Decision (Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XI)).

Iii) the Swakopmund Declaration on “Accelerated Action for Inclusive, Sustainable, Resilient and Safely Managed Sanitation and Hygiene Services Delivery in Africa”.

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/32: CONSIDERS and ENDORSES the following frameworks, guidelines and strategies to accelerate agricultural transformation, rural development, water and environment management:

(xx) commitments for Accelerating the Achievement of Water and Sanitation goals in Africa

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/33: FURTHER CONSIDERS AND ADOPTS the following Reports:

(iv) the 2023 Report on the Implementation of the 2015 Ngor Declaration

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/39: URGES the AUC:

(iii) develop an African Water Policy that provides a strategic framework towards inclusive and climate-resilient water security in the continent

(iv) and AMCOW to further strengthen the Partners Coordination Platform (PCP)

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/40: URGES all African Union Member States to:

(ii) develop national climate-resilient water investment programmes and in developing programmes to access climate finance for climate-resilient and inclusive water security programmes.

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/42: APPROVES the proposal to adopt “Assuring Sustainable Water Availability and Safe Sanitation Systems to Achieve the Goals of Agenda 2063” as the African Union Theme of the year 2026.

The 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU HoSG) was held on 17 – 18 February 2024. The Assembly, among others, adopted the recommendations of the Executive Council on the report of the 5th Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment (ARDWE).

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Members of the TAC and the TEC Members for taking the necessary steps to engage Foreign Affairs to elevate water and sanitation issues. It is as a result of this support that the decisions in the foregoing were possible to achieve.


Un thème relatif à l’Eau pour l’Union africaine en 2026 :

Mesdames et Messieurs les membres du Comité technique consultatif et du Comité d’experts de l’AMCOW.

Nous vous présentons ci-dessous les principales réalisations de nos engagements au cours de la 37ème session ordinaire de l’Assemblée de l’Union africaine. Ces réalisations s’inscrivent dans le cadre des processus en cours visant à mettre en œuvre la décision EXCO/13/2022/WDH/1 du Conseil sur l’amélioration de l’image de l’eau et de l’assainissement. Le Conseil, par l’intermédiaire du Comité technique spécialisé sur l’agriculture, le développement rural, l’eau et l’environnement (CTSE), a demandé à l’Assemblée de l’Union africaine d’adopter l’eau et l’assainissement comme thème de l’Union en 2026.

Pour situer le contexte dans lequel les décisions des organes de l’Union africaine sont prises, une illustration de base des organes politiques de l’UA est présentée ci-dessous.

La 5ème session ordinaire du CST sur l’ARDWE s’est tenue en novembre 2023 à Addis-Abeba. Elle a approuvé, entre autres, l’appel du Conseil des ministres à faire de 2026 une année de l’Union africaine sur l’eau et l’assainissement.

Le rapport complet du STC sur l’ARDWE est joint au présent document en tant que Ref_002b (EX.CL/1471(XLIV)).

Le rapport – EX.CL/1471(XLIV) – a été soumis à l’examen du Conseil exécutif (EX.CL) lors de sa 44ème Session ordinaire tenue les 14 et 15 février 2024. Les décisions pertinentes du Conseil exécutif sont les suivantes :

  1. EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/31 : APPROUVE, pour soumission à l’UA en février 2024, les documents suivants :

ii) le rapport annuel 2022 de la Commission sur la Déclaration de l’Assemblée de juillet 2008 concernant les engagements de Sharm El-Sheikh pour accélérer la réalisation des objectifs en matière d’eau et d’assainissement en Afrique, conformément à la décision de l’Assemblée (Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XI)).

Iii) la déclaration de Swakopmund sur « l’action accélérée pour la fourniture de services d’assainissement et d’hygiène inclusifs, durables, résilients et gérés en toute sécurité en Afrique ».

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/32 : CONSIDÈRE et APPROUVE les cadres, lignes directrices et stratégies suivants pour accélérer la transformation de l’agriculture, le développement rural, la gestion de l’eau et de l’environnement :

(xx) les engagements pour accélérer la réalisation des objectifs en matière d’eau et d’assainissement en Afrique

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/33 : EXAMINE ET ADOPTE les rapports suivants :

(iv) le rapport 2023 sur la mise en œuvre de la déclaration de Ngor de 2015

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/39 : demande instamment à la CUA :

(iii) élaborer une politique africaine de l’eau qui fournisse un cadre stratégique pour une sécurité de l’eau inclusive et résiliente au climat sur le continent

(iv) et AMCOW à renforcer davantage la plateforme de coordination des partenaires (PCP)

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/40 : PRIE INSTAMMENT tous les États membres de l’Union africaine de :

(ii) élaborer des programmes nationaux d’investissement dans l’eau résistants au climat et des programmes d’accès au financement climatique pour des programmes de sécurité de l’eau résistants au climat et inclusifs.

  • EX.CL/Dec.2(XLIV)Rev.1/42 : APPROUVE la proposition d’adopter «Assurer une disponibilité durable de l’eau et des systèmes d’assainissement sûrs pour atteindre les objectifs de l’Agenda 2063 » comme thème de l’Union africaine pour l’année 2026.

La 37ème session ordinaire de la Conférence des chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l’Union africaine (AU HoSG) s’est tenue les 17 et 18 février 2024. La Conférence a, entre autres, adopté les recommandations du Conseil exécutif sur le rapport de la 5ème session ordinaire du Comité technique spécialisé (CTS) sur l’agriculture, le développement rural, l’eau et l’environnement (ARDWE).

Nous voudrions profiter de cette occasion pour remercier les membres du TAC et les membres du TEC d’avoir pris les mesures nécessaires pour inciter le ministère des Affaires étrangères à mettre en avant les questions relatives à l’eau et à l’assainissement. C’est grâce à ce soutien que les décisions mentionnées ci-dessus ont pu être prises.


AMCOW and Partners Set Scene for Gender, Sanitation, and Quality of Life in Africa

The African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) has joined forces with key partners in an event to address critical issues surrounding gender, sanitation, and overall quality of life.

The event, titled “Convening on Gender, Sanitation, and Quality of Life: Accelerating Progress on Universal Access to Sanitation,” was organised by the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the meeting convened in Nairobi, Kenya, from February 7th to 8th, 2024. The primary objective was to chart a course of action linking gender, sanitation, and quality of life across policy, practice, and research.

Participants of the gender convening engaged in
a group knowledge-creation session.

AMCOW’s role was significant in the convening, represented by its Monitoring and Evaluation Support Officer and Youth and Gender Lead, Mr. Emmanuel Uguru. He provided regional perspectives and shed light on the intricate connections between sanitation, gender dynamics, and their impact on quality of life. He shared information on AMCOW’s strategic priorities, including monitoring and reporting the state of Africa’s water and sanitation to the African Union. Also, Mr Uguru apprised the participants of AMCOW’s new Youth and Gender Inclusion Strategy and the toolkit for mainstreaming gender and youth in Africa’s water and sanitation development agenda.

Participants of the convening brainstormed on suggestions
collated from the group exercise.

The meeting underscored the urgency of ensuring universal and inclusive access to safely managed sanitation before the coming mid-term review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of critical actions agreed upon during the event, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, the World Health Organisation and other key partners will collaborate in supporting AMCOW’s gender and youth initiatives in Africa. This partnership will focus on developing and validating gender-specific indicators to enrich reporting mechanisms. These partners will jointly develop and publish an academic article to provide insight into the intricate nexus between gender, sanitation, and quality of life. Also, a community of practice will be established and hosted on the AMCOW knowledge hub to sustain the relationship and momentum generated during the convening.

One of the plenary sessions of the gender convening organised by APHRC and LSHTM in Nairobi, Kenya.
Press Release


11th World Water Forum: Saudi Arabia and Riyadh to host the 11th World Water Forum in 2027

The Governors of the World Water Council have elected Saudi Arabia and Riyadh as the host for the 11th World Water Forum in 2027.

Saudi Arabia and Riyadh’s plan to host the 11th World Water Forum in 2027 on the theme “Action for a Better Future” was elected during the 86th meeting of the Board of Governors of the World Water Council in Istanbul, on February 17, 2024.

Upon the announcement of the election results, World Water Council President Mr. Loïc Fauchon said, “On behalf of the World Water Council, I would like to congratulate Saudi Arabia and Riyadh on its election as the host of the 11th World Water Forum. The World Water Council looks forward to working closely with the Saudi Arabia and Riyadh over the next three years to bring the world together in Riyadh in 2027 to continue to make water a global and political priority.”

The Governors elected the host country and city by secret ballot. Obtaining the majority, Saudi Arabia was elected.

The World Water Forum is the largest international gathering in the water sector involving various stakeholders, co-organized by the World Water Council and a host city. The Forum is held every three years and has been running since 1997. The World Water Forum is not just a conference: it includes a three-year preparation phase (preparatory phase), a one-week event (event phase) and a presentation of the results (synthesis phase), with ongoing support from World Water Council member organizations.  The Forum brings together participants from all levels and fields, including politics, multilateral institutions, academia, civil society, and the private sector, among others. Over the years, the number of Forum participants has grown from a few hundred to tens of thousands, from both the international community and host countries.


11ème Forum mondial de l’eau : l’Arabie saoudite et Riyadh accueilleront le 11ème Forum mondial de l’eau en 2027

Les Gouverneurs du Conseil mondial de l’eau ont élu l’Arabie saoudite et Riyadh pour accueillir le 11ème Forum mondial de l’eau en 2027.

Le projet de l’Arabie saoudite et Riyadh d’organiser le 11ème Forum mondial de l’eau en 2027 sur le thème « Action pour un meilleur futur » a été élu durant le 86ème réunion du bureau des gouverneurs du Conseil mondial de l’eau, à Istanbul, le 17 février 2024.

A l’annonce des résultats de l’élection, le président du Conseil mondial de l’eau, M. Loïc Fauchon, a déclaré « Au nom du Conseil mondial de l’eau, je tiens à féliciter l’Arabie saoudite et Riyadh pour son élection en tant qu’hôte du 11ème Forum mondial de l’eau. Le Conseil mondial de l’eau se réjouit de travailler en étroite collaboration avec l’Arabie saoudite et Riyadh au cours des trois prochaines années afin de rassembler le monde à Riyadh en 2027 pour continuer à faire de l’eau une priorité globale et politique. »

Les Gouverneurs ont élu le pays et ville hôtes à bulletin secret. En obtenant la majorité avec l’Arabie saoudite et Riyadh ont été élus.

Le Forum mondial de l’eau est le plus grand rassemblement international dans le secteur de l’eau impliquant diverses parties prenantes, coorganisé par le Conseil mondial de l’eau et une ville hôte. Le Forum se tient tous les trois ans et a lieu depuis 1997. Le Forum mondial de l’eau n’est pas qu’une conférence : il comprend une phase de préparation de trois ans (phase préparatoire), un événement d’une semaine (phase événementielle) et une présentation des résultats (phase de synthèse) avec un accompagnement permanent des organisations membres du Conseil mondial de l’eau.  Le Forum rassemble des participants de tous niveaux et de tous domaines, notamment du monde politique, des institutions multilatérales, du monde universitaire, de la société civile et du secteur privé. Au fil des années, le nombre de personnes participant au Forum est passé de quelques centaines à des dizaines de milliers.

sharing Africa info
Programmes & Initiatives

AMCOW Knowledge Hub of Hubs

The African Ministers’ Council on Water launches an open source web-based Knowledge Hub to collect, store and share indigenous water and sanitation information and knowledge.

post COP28 event in Abuja

AMCOW advocates for Climate Action at a Post-COP28 Stakeholders Dialogue – Abuja, Nigeria

On Wednesday, 17 January 2024, the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) advocated for climate action in a post-COP28 multistakeholder national dialogue organised by the Climate and Sustainable Development Network (CSDevNet).

The event, aimed at addressing climate change challenges, was held in Abuja, Nigeria, under the auspices of the Ministry of Water Resources and Sanitation. The consultation gathered vital stakeholders, including government officials, parliamentarians, and representatives of development partners.

AMCOW’s Executive Secretary, Dr. Rashid Mbaziira, was represented by Dr. Tanko Azzika, Senior Policy Officer-Governance and Partnership. Azzika delivered a goodwill message, expressing warm greetings and Happy New Year 2024 on behalf of Dr. Mbaziira. While unable to attend in person due to conflicting schedules, Dr. Mbaziira conveyed his sincere apologies and eagerness to contribute to the dialogue.

Dr Tanko Azzika, AMCOW Senior Policer Officer-Governance, representing AMCOW’s Executive Secretary, Dr Rashid Mbaziira.

The dialogue focused on “Unpacking COP28 Outcome: Accelerating Nigeria’s Climate Action,” Azzika commended the organisers, the Climate and Sustainable Development Network and the Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), for their efforts. He underscored the relevance of the discussion, considering the current climate challenges facing the continent.

In his opening remark, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at CSDevNet, Prof. Ibrahim Choji, applauded the bold global decision to move away from fossil fuels. He observed its threats to livelihoods, ecosystems, and the essence of existence. However, the Chairman assured participants that COP28 presents an opportunity for better aspirations.

Azzika emphasised the essential role of water, sanitation, and hygiene as catalysts and solutions to climate change. He highlighted AMCOW’s mission of providing political leadership, policy direction and advocacy for sustainable water resource management in Africa. He stressed that the 2018-2030 Strategy of AMCOW prioritises water security, sanitation, water governance, and climate resilience as critical elements for sustainable development.

Drawing attention to the 2023 Report on Implementing the Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration, Azzika noted that climate change has hampered progress towards water and sanitation goals. He highlighted the urgent need to revitalise efforts to combat climate change, aligning with the African Union Agenda 2063.

African Union’s Senior Climate Change Advisor, Dr Sam Ogallah, stressed that Africa holds the key to resolving the global climate crisis – while demonstrating the continent’s possession of more than half the world’s essential minerals. “If we transition to renewables, electric vehicles, and other initiatives, where do you propose we obtain the essential minerals? They lie beneath our soil,” he said.   

A key theme of the dialogue was the need for partnership, networking, and collaboration to address water-related challenges arising from climate change. Azzika called upon the government to prioritise climate-resilient financing, especially for vulnerable populations impacted by climate change.

Furthermore, Azzika called on stakeholders to support the Nigerian Government in utilising the African Sanitation Policy Guidelines (ASPGs) to enhance progress in achieving safely managed sanitation and hygiene.

The dialogue also addressed the importance of strengthening national-level data systems. AMCOW is operationalising the Africa Water and Sanitation sector reporting system (WASSMO) to address data quality challenges and meet reporting obligations at continental and global levels. Dr Azzika challenged participants to bring innovative and sustainable approaches to the table, urging the institutionalisation of the dialogue as an annual event. AMCOW looks forward to an action-oriented outcome document that will further accelerate climate action on both continental and global fronts.

FeaturedSpecial Messages

Season’s Greetings and Recap of AMCOW’s Efforts in 2023

Dear Partners,

This is to wish you and your loved ones happy holidays as we celebrate Christmas and New Year 2024. For us, it is also a perfect moment to look back at what can be described as an eventful 2023.

On behalf of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) family, and indeed myself, I would like to express our gratitude for all your support throughout the year. We highly value your collective efforts towards advancing Africa’s water and sanitation agenda at all levels.

As 2023 comes to an end, we would like to take a moment and recall some of the notable activities and achievements across the year.

Fresh in our minds is the 7th Edition of the African Sanitation and Hygiene (AfricaSnan7) Conference, successfully convened with the Africa Union Commission (AUC) and hosted by the Republic of Namibia from 6 – 11 November. Held in the historic coastal city of Swakopmund, the conference gathered about 850 delegates, including 30 Ministers, heads of delegations, and dignitaries, as well as 15 exhibitors. The main outcome of the Conference was the Swakopmund Declaration on “Accelerated Actions for Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Sanitation and Hygiene Services Delivery in Africa“. The Declaration also amplified the calls for the African Union to adopt water and sanitation as the theme for the year 2026. Further, AfricaSan7 provided the platform for the launch of the 2023 Ngor Commitments Monitoring Report and outstanding contributions to Africa’s Sanitation as well as Hygiene were recognised and celebrated through awards under different categories.

The 13th General Assembly of the Governing Council of AMCOW hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt in Cairo in June was the main highlight for the first half of 2023. The Assembly, attended by 40 Ministers and heads of delegation, took decisions aimed at raising the profile of water and sanitation high in political and socio-economic development planning processes. Among the decisions, the Council, through the Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment (STC-ARDWE), appealed to the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union to adopt Water and Sanitation as the African Union (AU) theme for 2026.

Earlier in the year, the AMCOW Executive Secretary undertook missions and courtesy visits aimed at reinforcing diplomatic ties and promoting water and sanitation priorities at the Member States’ level. These included courtesy visit to Ghana, Gambia, Sao Tome, Eswatini, Burkina Faso, and Kenya.

In February, during the 21st International Congress of the African Water Association (AfWASA) and the 7th Faecal Sludge Management Conference held in Abidjan, AMCOW convened a few technical sessions. AMCOW Secretariat used one of the sessions to review progress on the utilisation of the Africa Sanitation Policy Guidelines (ASPG) to foster knowledge exchange among Member States and partners. The Congress was also a perfect platform to engage with sanitation partners towards preparations for the AfricaSan7 Conference.

In March, the spotlight was on the “once in a lifetime” United Nations 2023 Water Conference, where sector leaders joined the African Union Commission and AMCOW to launch the 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report. Further, key messages constituting Africa’s common position and input were presented during the UN 2023 Water Conference. These messages contributed key outcomes to the Final Report of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Report. Further, African Heads of State committed to five new Presidential Compacts to accelerate access to water and sanitation services, including increasing budget allocations, reducing open defecation, and delivering climate-resilient services.

The month of April allowed us to strengthen the Secretariat’s internal management and fiduciary systems with the introduction of the new NetSuite Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Application. The application, which went live in June, is designed to streamline our operations, enhance overall efficiency, improve accuracy in financial reporting, and ensure compliance with our regulatory requirements.

In May, AMCOW participated in the High-Level dialogue on Transboundary Water Resources Management in Africa in Entebbe, the Republic of Uganda. The event was convened under the auspices of the African Network of Basin Organisations (ANBO). At its conclusions, the “Kampala Declaration on Transboundary Water Resources Management in Africa” was adopted. The declaration sets the agenda and aims to add impetus to ongoing actions to achieve the targets of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and, in turn, the Africa Agenda 2063.

Just before the end of the first half, the AMCOW Secretariat convened an introductory meeting with its 35 Knowledge Management Focal Person from 18 member states. The engagement aimed at fostering water wisdom through collective knowledge creation and exchange among member states.

In August, AMCOW participated in the World Water Week (WWW) 2023. We convened agenda-setting sessions, including the High-Level Africa Focus Day, which provided the platform to discuss issues and shape a water-wise future for Africa. At the WWW, we also launched Africa’s Voice on Water magazine, which aims to cast a spotlight through stories and articles on the progress Africa is making towards water and sanitation goals.

Throughout August, September, and October, AMCOW organised statutory Sub-Regional Ministerial Committee consultations with the Technical Experts Committee (TEC) in Africa’s central, eastern, southern, and western sub-regions. The main outcomes from these engagements were priorities relevant to each sub-region to inform continental policy initiatives.

In October, together with the African Union Commission, through the Directorate of Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy, the 4th African Water and Sanitation Partners’ Coordination Platform (PCP) meeting was convened. The PCP helped to set the stage for developing post-African Water Vision 2025, planning PANAFCON-3, and preparing for the 10th World Water Forum (10WWF).

During the same month, AMCOW, as a World Water Council Board Member, participated in the 10th World Water Forum 2nd Stakeholders’ Consultation Meeting in Bali, Indonesia. At the meeting, the Council signed a “Letter of Intent for Cooperation” to mobilise support across African institutions for the organisation of the 10th WWW.

AMCOW was also co-convener of the Africa Finance Ministers’ Meeting (AFMM) held together with UNICEF and SWA at the end of October. The AFMM aimed to mobilise political buy-in to invest in water and sanitation as a driver of sustained economic growth, improved public health, and a reduction in inequalities.

We closed 2023 with our participation at the AUC Specialised Technical Committee(STC) meeting held from 14 – 17 November in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. At the STC, AMCOW submitted the 2022 Annual Report of the Commission on the implementation of the July 2008 Assembly Declaration on the Sharm El Sheikh Commitments for Accelerating the Achievement of Water and Sanitation Goals in Africa.  The 5th STC on ARDWE took several decisions related to water and sanitation as follows:

  1. Endorsed for submission to the Assembly the 2022 annual report of the commission on the July 2008 Assembly Declaration regarding the Sharm el-Sheikh Commitments for accelerating the achievement of water and sanitation goals in Africa (Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XI)).
  2. Endorsed for submission to the Ministerial Committee on Agenda 2063, the request to adopt an African Union theme on water and sanitation for 2026.
  3. Approved the proposal to adopt “assuring sustainable water availability and safe sanitation systems to achieve the goals of Agenda 2063” as the African Union theme of the year 2026.
  4. Endorsed the 2023 report on the implementation of the 2015 Ngor Declaration.
  5. Endorsed for submission to the Assembly the Swakopmund Declaration on “accelerated action for inclusive, sustainable, resilient and safely managed sanitation and hygiene services delivery in Africa”.
  6. Underscored the key role of the Member States and encouraged them to actively engage in the ongoing processes to formulate the post-2025 Africa Water Vision.

AMCOW Secretariat remains very grateful to Member States for their continued support and solidarity. Special thanks to our partners, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (SIDA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

We are now looking forward to 2024 with much anticipation. The year 2024 marks the beginning of a defining moment as we cast our focus on the development of the Post-2025 Africa Water Vision. We only have two years before the current Africa Water Vision 2025 expires. The Vision, which could also be described as a precursor to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals – in terms of its ambition- has served as the ultimate guide and framework for Africa’s water and sanitation sector development. We remain confident in our collective ability to set the agenda and develop a Post-2025 Africa Water Vision aligned with the aspirations of Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want!

May the festive season bring you and your loved ones joy and true happiness.

Dr Rashid Mbaziira

Executive Secretary

African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW)

AfricaSan7 Day5

AfricaSan 7 Conference Concludes with Commitments to Accelerate Sanitation and Hygiene Across Africa

Swakopmund, Namibia – 10 November, 2023

The AfricaSan 7 Conference, a flagship event for sanitation and hygiene in Africa, culminated on 10 November 2023 with a series of impactful sessions and declarations to foster accelerated actions for inclusive, sustainable, and resilient sanitation and hygiene services delivery across the continent.

The day kicked off with the screening of a short film showcasing Namibia’s commitment to sanitation, setting the tone for a day of insightful discussions and commitments.

Dr Rashid Mbaziira, the Executive Secretary of AMCOW, opened the day with an introductory statement highlighting the significance of collective efforts in addressing sanitation and hygiene challenges. He emphasised the role of partnerships and cooperation in achieving the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) goals.

Hon. Carl Hermann Gustav Schlettwein, Minister for Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform of the Republic of Namibia and AWF Governing Council Chairperson, delivered a welcome statement, setting the stage for the subsequent sessions. This was followed by a statement from AMCOW President, Prof Dr Hani Sewilam, Minister for Water Resources and Irrigation of the Arab Republic of Egypt. In his remark, quoting the data from the 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Sector Monitoring (WASSMO) Report, he called for increased efforts toward ensuring access to potable water for the over 400 million in need and access to safely managed sanitation and essential hygiene services to the approximately 800 million who do not have them.

H.E. Amb Josefa Leonel Correla Sacko, Commissioner of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment at the African Union Commission, was represented by the AUC’s Director of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment, Harsen Nyambe. He appreciated the collaboration of the Republic of Namibia and AMCOW in organising such an important conference. Also, he observed that Africa’s population, which is over 1.4 million people is overstretching existing sanitation services. Director Nyambe highlighted that the youth form the most part of this population and urged that they be included in sanitation-related decisions. The AUC representative further stressed that one of the major challenges faced in similar conferences has been the inability to implement the outcomes of the events. He, therefore, called on all participants and sector actors to ensure that the AfricaSan7 Conference Decisions are implemented.

One of the high points of the conference segment was the launch of the 2023 Ngor Report on Sanitation and Hygiene, shedding light on the status and future priorities in the sector. Before the launch, the conference viewed a film summarising the report’s findings, and copies were distributed to participants.

The AfricaSan8 Hosting Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between AMCOW Secretariat and the Republic of Ghana, represented by the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Hon. Dr. Freda Prempeh. In her remarks, the Minister assured the conference that the Republic of Ghana is willing and ready to host the event and welcomes Africa and the world to AfricaSan8 in Accra, Ghana from 12 – 18 October 2025.

The conference received video-recorded goodwill messages from some representatives of some AMCOW partners: UNICEF’s Executive Director Catherine Russell, Director of the Water Development and Sanitation Department, Africa Development Bank, Osward Mulenga Chanda, World Water Council (WWC) President, Loïc Fauchon, and the USAID Global Water Coordinator/Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator Nancy Eslick.

Dr. T. E Ngurare directed the AfricaSan 7 Conference Closing Plenary, featuring cultural entertainment and a youth message resonating with the importance of intergenerational collaboration.

Session convenors delivered their collective message also, through a recorded video leading to the conference declaration. The occasion occurred with the reading of the Swakopmund Declaration on “Accelerated Actions for Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Sanitation and Hygiene Services Delivery in Africa” by Ms. Ndiyakupi Nghituwamata, AMCOW TAC Chair. Click on the links to download copies in English and French.

The day concluded with a high-level visit to the exhibition stands where the host Minister, Hon Carl Schlettwein, and the President of AMCOW Prof Dr Hani Sewilam in the company of other participants visited the exhibition booths. The event included anthems and a communal lunch, fostering networking and collaboration among participants.

Day2 Plenary-Local Authorities Dialogue Session

AfricaSan7 Conference Update: Day 2

Empowering Change in the Sanitation Sector – Insights from Local Authorities

Panelists during the Local Authorities Dialogue on Day 2 of AfricaSan7 Conference

The AfricaSan7 Conference continues to serve as a platform for driving transformative change in the sanitation sector, particularly in the sphere of local authorities’ critical role in implementation.

Day 2 of the conference witnessed an enlightening plenary session highlighting the multi-sectoral approach essential for progress in sanitation. The session emphasised five key accelerators: financing, data and information, governance, capacity building, and technology and innovation, sparking discussions on initiatives beyond 2030.

Insights from Panel Discussions

Discussing the road to universal access, Namibia showcased measures, emphasising legal frameworks, revised water strategies, and substantial budget allocations across sectors to achieve universal access. On private sector involvement, Senegal highlighted the role of strong institutions and transparent responsibilities in involving the private sector, focusing on regulatory aspects, capacity building, and accountability. Zambia stressed innovation, discussing funding mechanisms, skills development, government cooperation, and technological challenges in the sanitation sector.

Governance’s Crucial Role and Notable Success Stories

The role of governance was emphasised, highlighting its interconnectedness with all accelerators in impacting the sanitation sector. Success stories from Kenya, Nigeria, and diverse regions like Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Egypt, Malawi, and Namibia showcased investments, partnerships, and executive support driving impactful change.

The session underscored that collaborative efforts, partnerships, capacity building, and innovative strategies are paramount to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Discussions also stressed the valorisation of costs related to purification stations, emphasising a circular economy approach.

Strengthening Sanitation Professionals: ‘Inspire’ and ‘SOS Programme’

The conference unveiled ‘Inspire,’ a groundbreaking capacity-building program targeting sanitation professionals, focusing on leadership, communication, and technical skills. With a bilingual approach and support from key partners, this initiative aims to bridge the gaps in knowledge and leadership. Notably, the program remains open to the public sector, civil society, and private entities, recognising the need for a holistic approach to solving sanitation challenges.

The ‘SOS Programme,’ a year-long initiative, emphasised the adaptation to technological advancements, regulatory frameworks, and economic aspects within the sanitation sector. The discussion revolved around the crucial role of the private sector and NGOs, stressing the importance of technical expertise, leadership, and advocacy skills.

Addressing Gender Equality, Youth Inclusion, and Social Aspects in Sanitation Policies

The session on gender equality, youth inclusion, and social aspects in sanitation policy underlined the need for policy harmonisation, evidence-based approaches, and promotion of women’s representation. Discussions highlighted AMCOW’s strategies, the engagement of civil society, and the imperative for evidence-based, gender-transformative practices in policy development.

Participant making intervention during the plenary session on Day 2 of the AfricaSan7 Conference

Challenges and the Way Forward

Throughout these sessions, various challenges surfaced, including the need for broader accessibility through online training, language barriers, and refining partnership formats. The discussions emphasised the importance of refining approaches to ensure inclusive policies, harnessing technology and continuously adapting to the changing needs of the sanitation sector.

The AfricaSan7 conference continues to catalyse change in the sanitation sector. With dynamic discussions and collaborative insights, it aims to bridge critical gaps and foster sustainable solutions. As the event moves forward, the upcoming AFWASA event seeks to further this discourse, focusing on sanitation and water management.

The cumulative efforts showcased at the conference underline the significance of collaboration, evidence-based decision-making, and innovative strategies to achieve impactful and sustainable change in the sanitation sector.

The Day 2 sessions at AfricaSan7 unveiled transformative initiatives, acknowledged challenges, and emphasised collaborative efforts across sectors. As the conference progresses, it remains a platform for effective exchanges, assuring a sustainable future in the sanitation sector. With initiatives like ‘Inspire’ and discussions on local authorities and gender equality, the drive for change and innovation remains at the forefront.

On the AfricaSan7 platform, relevant actors can continue to unite and collaborate to steer the sanitation sector towards achieving safely managed sanitation in Africa.

Stay tuned for more updates from AfricaSan7 and the continued efforts in advancing Africa’s sanitation and hygiene.

Disclaimer: We‘d like to point out that the information and initiatives shared are based on the latest sessions and discussions at the AfricaSan7 conference and may be subject to further developments and updates.


AfricaSan7 Conference: Updates on Day 1

Opening Remarks and Context Setting

The AfricaSan7 Conference began with a celebration of the Republic of Namibia, the Anthem, a short film about its landscape, development and culture. The conference is hosted by the Republic of Namibia under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform led by Hon Carl Hermann-Gustav Schlettwein.

Hon Carl Hermann Gustav Schlettwein, the Minister for Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Republic of Namibia, AWF Governing Council Chairperson, and AMCOW President (2021-2023) delivering the AfricaSan7 conference opening remark.

The Executive Director Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Namibia, Ms Ndiyakupi Nghituwamata, moderated the opening of the AfricaSan7 Conference. The Conference, themed “Strengthening Systems and Partnerships for Accelerated Action on Safely Managed Sanitation and Hygiene” seeks to unite key stakeholders to address sanitation and hygiene challenges in Africa and globally.

Ms Ndiyakupi Nghituwamata moderating the AfricaSan7 Conference opening ceremony.

The Governor of Erongo Region, Hon. Neville Andre, welcomed the conference delegates. In his welcome address, he highlighted the disparities in sanitation between rural and urban areas and the need for improved systems and partnerships.

Hon. Neville Andre, Governor of Erongo Region delivering a welcome remark to AfricaSan7 Conference participants.

AMCOW’s Executive Secretary, Dr Rashid Mbaziira, welcomed all the AfricaSan7 Conference participants to the opening plenary. He demonstrated how honoured it was for him to address all the participants, experts, policymakers, practitioners, and advocates who are committed to improving hygiene and sanitation across Africa. Dr Rashid emphasised the Africa Sanitation Conference as a platform for technical and political dialogue with governments and stakeholders for knowledge-sharing. He further stressed the urgency required of addressing sanitation conditions in the continent to improve livelihoods.

AMCOW Executive Secretary, Dr Rashid Mbaziira delivering his introductory remark at the AfricaSan7 Conference opening plenary.

Unveiling of AfricaSan7 Banner

Host Minister, Hon Carl Hermann Gustav Schlettwein, unveiled the AfricaSan7 Banner – an initiative launched to promote integration of arts and youth inclusion in African Sanitation and Hygiene. AMCOW has introduced the AfricaSan Banner Design Award as one of the AfricaSan Awards. The idea is to challenge young Africans under 35 to illustrate sanitation conditions as known to them within their communities or to demonstrate future sanitation aspirations in the continent. This aligns with promoting the thoughts behind the African Union Agenda 2063-the Africa We Want. 

Hon Carl Schlettwein unveiling the AfricaSan7 Conference Banner

Goodwill messages, Policy, and Technical Discussions

Various speakers, including Eric Momani from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, discussed technical issues and the importance of partnerships, government policies, and funding mechanisms to improve sanitation services. The African Development Bank (AfDB) outlined their support and strategic priorities, which align with their high-level goals, including a new sanitation investment initiative. The World Toilet Organisation (WTO), through its founder, Prof. Jack Sim, highlighted the role of the private sector while speaking on the Sanitation Economy and Private Sector Engagement.

Opening address by Hon Carl Hermann Gustav Schlettwein

The high point of the event was the opening address by Hon Carl Hermann Gustav Schlettwein, the Minister for Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Republic of Namibia, AWF Governing Council Chairperson, and AMCOW President (2021-2023). The Minister warmly welcomed the conference participants and urged them to ensure that the meeting delivers a solid water and sanitation agenda by the end of the week. Hon Schlettwein, delivered a inspirational insights demonstrating the value of water and access to sanitation services beyond money. The profile of water and sanitation was immediately raised in the mind of each individual listening to his remarks.

Cultural Engagement and Private Sector Involvement

The conference included cultural elements, such as traditional Namibian dance. In a vibrant display of Namibian cultural heritage, traditional dancers took the stage at the conference’s opening plenary. With rhythmic movements and purely native attire, the performers brought to life the rich traditions and cultural essence of Namibia. Participants were captivated by their spirited and charming native dance – you could see them watching with rapt attention and many capturing photographs with their mobile devices.

Motswana MO Erongo cultural dance group entertaining the AfricaSan7 Conference participants at the opening plenary.

Regional Insights and Commitments Hon. Dr Esther Muinjangue, Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services, Republic of Namibia, set the scene for the Thematic Sessions – speaking on the Strategic Priorities for Sanitation and Hygiene in Namibia. Representatives from various African regions shared their progress and challenges. Senegal showcased its institutional organisation and resource mobilisation for sanitation, while Namibia discussed efforts toward waste reuse and environmental protection. South Africa and Ethiopia shared their approaches to mobilise resources and ensure coordination and leadership in sanitation efforts.


Senior Monitoring, Evaluation and Results Officer (SME&R Officer)

Job Function: Reports to the Director of Programmes

Classification: Grade: Grade: P4 (out of a P1 – P5 professional grading structure)

Date Posted: 20 Oct. 2023


AMCOW is an intergovernmental, non-budgetary institution working under the Specialised Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment of the African Union (AU). AMCOW’s mission is to provide political leadership, policy direction and advocacy in the provision, use and management of water resources for sustainable social and economic development and maintenance of African ecosystems. For more information, refer to:

The position of Senior Monitoring, Evaluation and Results Officer (SME&R Officer) is one of the key management functions under the Director of Programmes at the AMCOW Secretariat located in Abuja, Nigeria. The SME&R Officer will be the focal point person on all issues related to monitoring and evaluation of the AMCOW Work Programmes and project portfolio. The SME&R Officer provides technical guidance and advice to task teams on appropriate results management frameworks.

The scope of responsibilities of the role is described below.


Key responsibilities of SME&R Officer include overseeing the process of developing high-quality Water and Sanitation Sector Progress Reports and their submission at the African Union Commission (AUC) and development partners. The SME&R Officer will also lead the development and implementation of AMCOW’s monitoring and evaluation work. Further, the incumbent will lead the development of a result-based management system and support building capacity for implementation.   Other responsibilities will include systematizing existing results frameworks for greater consistency. This will involve scaling up and refining AMCOW’s monitoring systems to generate rich analysis that track progress of annual plans and implementation of AMCOW’s strategy. The SME&R Officer will also support project managers to develop realistic plans, reviews, and evaluations. This will include developing progress reports for various stakeholders. The SME&R Officer will also coordinate independent evaluation of AMCOW work including operational plans. The SM&E Officer, under the guidance of the Senior Management Team, will coordinate all the teams in the development of the AMCOW Annual report and corporate reports.   The detailed SME&R Officer’s primary scope of responsibilities consists of the following:  

Results and Reporting:

  1. Lead and coordinate processes for the development and submission of high-quality annual reports of the Commission on the implementation of the July 2008 Assembly Declaration on the Sharm El Sheikh Commitments for Accelerating the Achievement of Water and Sanitation Goals in Africa.
  2. Coordinate donor-funded projects’ reporting processes, ensuring that all accountabilities and responsibilities are met, in line with AMCOW’s obligations. This also include monitoring all project activities, expenditures, and progress towards achieving the project output.
  3. Devise ways and strategies to support building capacity for water and sanitation reporting at Member State level.
  4. Promote alignment of Continental and Global Reporting processes
  5. Lead and conduct sector resource mapping and manage resource mapping database. This includes providing various sector resource/financing analysis.
  6. Design and operationalize a functional Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and results system which aligns with the AMCOW strategy and accountability needs.
  7. Assist AMCOW’s Project development team in smartly integrating AMCOW monitoring, evaluation and learning systems into partnership agreements, with a view to effectively tracking progress, minimizing deviation from, and misalignment with AMCOW’s core mandate.


  1. Lead the development and updating of AMCOW’s multi-year organizational results frameworks and strategic operational plans (SOPs).
  2. Coordinate the development of AMCOW’s annual organizational objectives, key performance indicators and targets that guide programmatic work.
  3. Support staff in developing programmatic and continental level results frameworks to measure progress against program and continental strategies – including work led in partnership with other organizations.

Systems and Analysis:

  1. Coordinate monitoring, evaluation, and results analysis across projects and programmes and ensure data standardization and quality.
  2. Facilitate and support capacity building activities towards water and sanitation sector system performance monitoring.
  3. Refine and improve AMCOW’s existing monitoring systems towards increased access and use by staff. This includes the automation and visualization of analysis, and integration of new data points, for individual and group learning as well as internal and external accountability.
  4. Commission and coordinate research and studies on key topics to help fill information gaps in the water and sanitation sector.
  5. Oversee the development of quarterly monitoring reports against organizational objectives; Lead analysis of progress against results, bi-annual analysis of research and data metrics.


  1. Lead and facilitate reflection opportunities, including meetings and retreats, towards developing a strong organizational learning culture.
  2. Organize brown bag seminars with staff and, where relevant, externals.
  3. Draw lessons from analysis to deepen reflection to improve program design.
  4. Develop strategies for improving efficiency and effectiveness of projects by identifying bottlenecks.
  5. Contribute to processes of drafting learning papers to capture lessons from AMCOW’s work to inform policy in the water and sanitation sector in Africa.
  6. Input into the development of impactful case studies, to showcase insights and instances of success in AMCOW’s work.
  7. Lead initiatives and communities of practice that aim to share lessons, good practices and models in the water and sanitation sector in Africa.  


  1. Commission and oversee independent evaluation of AMCOW’s work.
  2. Work with the institutional leadership team to define focus and research questions that generate maximum learning and value to inform AMCOW’s strategies.
  3. Support AMCOW staff in designing and implementing program evaluations.  

Management and Capacity:

  1. Manage consultants and or interns to undertake relevant analysis.
  2. Coordinate and facilitate technical working groups with development partners to harmonize efforts and improve the overall water and sanitation sector performance.
  3. Forge and consolidate working relationships with Universities and Academic Research Institutions to support filling information gaps at different levels. This includes streamlining work programme with the AUDA-NEPAD Centers of Excellence and capacity building networks and institutions.
  4. Work in close collaboration with team members to raise funding in support of AMCOW activities including monitoring and reporting.
  5. Perform other duties as required and assigned.

Experience and Requirements:

  1. At least a Master’s Degree in water or related disciplines including health, economics, statistics, social sciences, monitoring and evaluation, and international development.
  2. At least 10 years of direct relevant work experience in monitoring, evaluation and systems at senior level.
  3. Direct experience working with partners supporting monitoring, reporting as well as work programmes for the African Union Commission (AUC), AMCOW, AUDA-NEPAD, UN Agencies, and Development Partners.
  4. Experience in qualitative and quantitative operational research across countries, with substantive experience in preparing case studies.
  5. Experience in providing the following types of support: technical assistance, policy analysis, sector systems performance reviews, policy advocacy, and grant making; and targeting one or more of the following stakeholders: the AUC, governments, civil society, development partners towards improvements in governance policy and practice.
  6. Excellent diplomacy and relationship building skills, with an ability to prioritise, negotiate, and work with a variety of cross-cultural and high-profile technical experts and development partners.
  7. Experience in analyzing and presenting cross country data effectively, for a wide range of audiences, with attention to detail.
  8. Excellent oral and written communication skills.
  9. Ability to work well under pressure, to meet multiple deadlines in a fast-paced work environment.
  10. Multi-tasking skills, able to wear many hats in a fast-paced, challenging and rewarding environment.
  11. Strong facilitation and capacity building skills.
  12. Strong analytical skills and data/results visualization.

Technical Expertise:

Required Expertise:

Ability to effectively manage complex databases and systems. Interpret and implement different monitoring and results measurements strategies and also ensure a proper system is in place.

Language Requirements:

  1. Fluent and superior mastery of English and/or French through education and experience in a work context.
  2. Portuguese and/or Arabic languages would be an asset.


  1. Strong proactive business development skills.Superior communication and presentation skills.
  2. Highly refined diplomacy and persuasive skills.Very good learning and knowledge sharing skills.
  3. Strong team building and motivating skills.

Computer Literacy:

  1. Expert-level use of the Office suite of applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).Familiarity with project management tools.
  2. Good knowledge and preferably work experience with Cloud-based technologies.

Age Requirement:

Candidate shall not be more than 55 years as at the publication of this job advert


  1. High professional ethics beyond legal compliance.
  2. Commitment to the public good.
  3. Commitment to quality and excellence, knowledge sharing and maintaining public trust.
  4. Accountability to AMCOW Secretariat, the AU member States and AMCOW Partners and Stakeholders.
  5. Transparency, honesty, and integrity including cross-cultural openness and flexibility.

Citizenship Requirement:

Citizen of any of the AU countries.

Submissions of Applications:

Interested candidates for this position should submit their formal application not later than 20th November 2023 at the address/email below.

The Executive Secretary,
African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), No. 11, T.Y. Danjuma Street, Asokoro District, Abuja, Nigeria.
Female candidates are encouraged to apply.  

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.