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Group Photo_Eastern Africa Sub-Regional Meeting_2023

AMCOW’s Eastern Africa Sub-Regional Ministerial Committee and Technical Experts Committee Meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya.

Nairobi, Republic of Kenya – September 6, 2023 – The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) held a two-day East Africa Sub-Regional Ministerial Consultation and Technical Expert Committee Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. The event, which took place from September 6 to 7, 2023, convened key stakeholders to discuss critical water and sanitation issues facing the Eastern Africa region. The Governance Framework of AMCOW requires that its subsidiary bodies such as the Sub-Regional Ministerial Committees (SRMCs) and Technical Expert Committees (TECs), hold annual meetings. This is essential to ensure that the decisions of the Governing Council are informed and influenced by the real needs of the Member States across Sub-Regions. Against this background, the East Africa Sub-Regional meeting was held to discuss key water priorities that are unique to the Sub-Region.

The Director Department of Transboundary Water Resources, Ministry of Water and Sanitation and Irrigation, Mrs Gladys Wekesa chaired the meeting. In her remarks, she stated that the consultation is a significant follow-up to the 13th Ordinary Session of the AMCOW Council of Ministers held from June 13 to 15, 2023 in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.

During the meeting, experts discussed vital topics, including AMCOW Secretariat’s financial progress report from January 2023 to June 2023, progress towards the achievement of goals of the 2008 Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration on water and sanitation, the post-2025 Africa Water Vision, and the AfricaSan 7 Conference, Action on Water Adaptation and Resilience (AWARe) Initiative, and Africa’s preparatory process towards the 10th World Water Forum to be held in May 2024 in Indonesia.

This subregional meeting also presented an opportunity for AMCOW to highlight several ongoing initiatives and key events, including the AMCOW Youth and Gender Inclusion (YoGI) Strategy, and AMCOW’s Communications and Visibility Strategy and the Africa’s Voice on Water (AVoW) magazine. Further discussions were on the preparations towards the Africa Water Facility (AWF) Governing Council Meeting, the 5th Specialised Technical Committee (STC) on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment (ARDW), and the Cairo Water Week 2023.

Overall, the consultation is a critical platform for fostering cooperation, sharing knowledge, and making collective decisions to address the water challenges in the regions. AMCOW remains committed to advancing water-related issues for the benefit of the people and the environment across the five Sub-Regions in Africa. The proposed decisions reached by the Technical Experts Committee were documented in the Aide Memoire and recommended for submission for the consideration of the Ministerial Council.


AMCOW Executive Secretariat Drives Water and Sanitation Priorities in Member States

AMCOW is making concerted effort to advance the adoption of the post-2025 Africa Water Vision at the forthcoming African Union Summit in February 2026. As a result, the Executive Secretary, Dr Rashid Mbaziira embarked on a diplomatic mission across several member states, including Gambia, Sao Tome, Eswatini, and Burkina Faso. The purpose of these visits, held in July-August 2023, was to raise awareness and foster engagement among member states on critical water and sanitation issues and priorities.

(From right to left) the Minister of Environment, Water and Sanitation of Burkina Faso, Dr Augustin KABORE, and AMCOW Executive Secretary, Dr Rashid Mbaziira

Focusing on Water and Sanitation for Africa’s Development

During these diplomatic visits, the AMCOW Executive Secretary emphasised the critical role of water and sanitation in driving socio-economic development throughout the continent. He stressed water’s vitality across multiple sectors, spanning extraction, production, finance, insurance, real estate, public administration, ICT, transportation, and trade. He also demonstrated how effective water management, coupled with the provision of water, sanitation, and hygiene services, exerts a profound impact on economic growth, job creation, labour productivity, prosperity, general wellbeing, peace, and security.

Dr Rashid highlighted how data from the Africa Water and Sanitation Sector Monitoring (WASSMO) system reveal substantial gaps in the pursuit of water and sanitation goals across Africa. He went forward to explain how these gaps hold direct implications for Africa’s overarching agenda, aiming at fostering economic growth and prosperity for all.

The Post-2025 Africa Water Vision

With less than three years remaining before the final milestone of the Africa Water Vision 2025 (AWV2025), meticulous preparations are already underway to transition into the post-2025 era. AMCOW Executive Secretary presented the principal goal of securing the adoption of the post-2025 Africa Water Vision by the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU-HoSG), while also ensuring its alignment with AU Agenda 2063. In line with this, there has been a proposal to adopt ‘Water Security and Sanitation for Peace and Development’ as the theme for the African Union in 2026.

AfricaSan7 Conference and Commitments to Sanitation

Another critical aspect of the engagements with member states was to underscore the significance of active participation in the forthcoming 7th edition of the Africa Sanitation and Hygiene (AfricaSan7) Conference, scheduled to take place from November 6-11, 2026. Dr Mbaziira stressed that the conference will facilitate the assessment of progress by member states in meeting their sanitation and hygiene commitments, as outlined in the 2023 AfricaSan Ngor report. He further explained that the conference will consider the recommendations from the Dakar Declaration of the 9th World Water Forum and commitments arising from the UN 2023 Water Conference.

Representatives of Ministry of Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, Republic of the Gambia in a Group Photo with AMCOW Executive Secretary, Dr Rashid Mbaziira.

Enhancing Data for Informed Decision-Making

The visits discussed efforts to mobilise member states’ contribution to the preparation of the 2023 WASSMO report. He demonstrated that the report will be the foundational framework for crafting technical proposals for the post-2025 Africa Water Vision, while keeping Africa Agenda 2063 in sight. He spoke about the importance of collecting high-quality data as it is essential for effectively addressing the actual challenges to water security in Africa. He also stressed that efforts to harness Africa’s vast water resources for social transformation, economic growth, trade, peace, and security necessitates the creation of a comprehensive action framework.

Regional Engagement for Ownership and Impact

Furthermore, Dr Mbaziira highlighted that the imperativeness of member states’ ownership in water-related initiatives has made AMCOW embark on efforts to operationalise water management functions at the regional level. He stressed that the approach acknowledges that continental policy initiatives must be closely aligned with the genuine needs of member states and developed through a Bottom-Up-Top-Down approach. The strategy entails the annual convening of sub-regional Ministerial Committee meetings across AMCOW’s five regions, wherein member states actively participate in shaping continental policy formulation and implementation.

Representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, Department of Water Affairs, Eswatini and AMCOW Secretariat.

Anticipated Outcomes

These engagements with member states are underpinned by four overarching priorities:

  1. The adoption of ‘Water Security and Sanitation for Peace and Development’ as the theme for the African Union in 2026.
  2. Active engagement and leadership of Ministers responsible for water, sanitation, and hygiene affairs at the AfricaSan7 Conference.
  3. The active contribution of information from a minimum of 50 member states for the preparation of the 2023 WASSMO Report, thereby providing a solid situational analysis for shaping the post-2025 Africa Water Vision.
  4. Active involvement of member states in sub-regional Ministerial Committee meetings, serving as the driving force behind continental policy formulation and implementation.

The commitment of AMCOW, in partnership with its member states, remains unwavering in tackling the water and sanitation challenges facing Africa.


NDC Investment Awards 2023 to be presented at COP28 in UAE – Call for entries:

The hunt is on for the public and private sector institutions contributing most to private capital mobilization and developing bankable and investable Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) projects in Africa.

Africa, as a continent, needs to mobilise $3trn to meet its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) projects by 2030, while the whole world only managed to mobilise $2.8trn for renewable energy investments over the past 20 years, with Africa only receiving 2% of that global sum.

Announced at the Global NDC Conference in Berlin, the 2023 NDC Investment Summit and Awards will be presented in December at COP28 in the UAE.

Hosted by the African investor (Ai) and sponsored by the African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank (AfGIIB), these NDC awards are the only international, pan-African NDC investment awards that recognize and reward both public and private sector institutions that are working to innovate and break new ground to mobilize private capital and private sector participation at scale, to Africa’s bankable NDC investment commitments and projects.

Could your organisation or project be a 2023 NDC Investment Initiative of the Year?

Entry is a simple 500-word nomination outlining how your organisation meets the awards criteria. Entries from any public or private institution, whether African or international, are welcome, provided they meet the attached category criteria.


NDC Investment Awards will be presented in the following categories:

Best NDC Sector Initiatives of the Year:

  1. Best Waste NDC Initiative of the Year
  2. Best Energy NDC Initiative of the Year
  3. Best Transport NDC Initiative of the Year
  4. Best Urban Development NDC of the Year
  5. Best Forestry NDC Initiative of the Year
  6. Best Agriculture NDC Initiative of the Year
  7. Best Education NDC Initiative of the Year
  8. Best Health NDC Initiative of the Year
  9. Best Water NDC Initiative of the Year
  10. Best Tourism NDC Initiative of the Year

Private Capital Mobilization Initiatives of the Year:

  1. Best Investable NDC Adaption Initiative of the Year
  2. Best Bankable Donor NDC Initiative of the Year (technical assistance/financing/project development).
  3. Best Blended Investment NDC Initiative of the Year
  4. Best Financeable NDC City Initiative of the Year
  5. Best GreenTech NDC Initiative of the Year

The NDC Awards Secretariat will present the following Honorary NDC Presidential Investment Statesman of the Year Awards to recognise exemplary Presidential investment leadership on Africa’s climate transition.

Honorary NDC Presidential Investment Statesman of the Year Awards.

1) Presidential ” Green Infrastructure Investment Statesman” of the Year

2) Presidential “Just Transition Investment Statesman ” of the Year

3) Presidential ” Carbon Exchange Investment Statesman”  of the Year

4) Presidential” Transport Investment Statesman” of the Year

5) Presidential “Water Investment Statesman” of the Year

6)  Presidential “Agriculture Investment Statesman” of the Year

The 2023 NDC Investment Awards high-level Adjudication panel consists:

  • Dr. Hubert Danso, Chairman of Africa Investor Group and the Chair of the NDC Awards Adjudication panel.
  • Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and UN SRSG for Sustainable Energy for All, Co-Chair of UN-Energy.
  • John Denton, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
  • Ziad-Alexandre Hayek, President of the World Association of PPP Units (WAPPP).
  • Kandeh Yumkella, Former UN Under-Secretary-General and Secretary-General’s Special Representative and CEO.

Commenting on the Ai NDC Investment Awards winners, Dr Hubert Danso, Chairman of Africa Investor Group and the Chair of the NDC Awards Adjudication panel, said, “Africa investor (Ai) is proud to use its global investment platform to showcase and recognize Africa’s NDC project sponsors, developers, financiers, investors and Presidential Champions. This growing community of leaders are critical to the continent mobilising the required $3trn of green investment for our NDCs by 2030 to pursue Africa’s NetZero aspirations.

He went on to say, “The importance of these global NDC Investment Awards cannot be overstated, given the scale, urgency and fact that the majority of Africa’s $3trn of NDC’s investment requirements will need to mobilize and secure unprecedented allocations of private capital at scale and speed, which is why we are pleased to add this year, a dedicated Private Capital Mobilization category.

The deadline for entry submissions is August 31 this year, and the shortlist will be announced the following month, on September 22, during UN Climate Week in New York. The Award winners will be announced in December at COP28 in the UAE.

Please see and feel free to share this entry pack link widely with your networks, which sets out the entry criteria and submission dates:

To submit your entry, please click here.


Note to Editors

For more information on the Ai African NDC Investment Awards, visit:, or email:

About The NDC Investment Awards Headline sponsor

The African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank (AfGIIB) is an African Union-convened and supported African institutional investor-led, global climate investment platform to catalyze private capital for Africa’s green transition. Visit for more information.

About Africa investor (Ai) Group

Africa investor (Ai) Group is an institutional investment holding platform that aligns its pools of capital from sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, family offices, and long-term investors with vetted infrastructure, private equity, and technology investment opportunities in Africa. Visit

See how Ai is combating climate change

KM Onboarding 21June2023

Introductory Meeting with AMCOW Knowledge Management Focal Points

The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) has organised an introductory meeting for its first batch of knowledge management (KM) focal persons from 13 member states. It is a significant step forward in its commitment to enhancing KM in the water and sanitation sector. This initiative aligns with the Africa Water and Sanitation Knowledge Management Challenge, launched by AMCOW during the Stockholm World Water Week 2021.

26 Focal Points (14 males, 12 females) attended the meeting, representing Egypt, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, South Sudan, Togo, Botswana, and Rwanda. These professionals bring diverse expertise in water supply engineering, general water research, groundwater research, hydrogeology, international relations, water resources development, urban sanitation, data management, geology, knowledge management, and more.

The introductory meeting aimed to welcome the KM Focal Points, familiarise them with the Africa Water and Sanitation KM Challenge and outline the upcoming activities. In his opening remarks, Dr Rashid Mbaziira, the Executive Secretary of AMCOW, represented by Patrice Leumeni, AMCOW’s Monitoring and Reporting Lead, emphasised the importance of the initiative. The Focal Points will undergo training in KM principles and practices and develop country-specific KM strategies. Their contributions will help create a continental Knowledge Agenda for Africa’s water and sanitation sector. They will also help to drive the broader awareness and use of the yearly Africa Water and Sanitation Sector Monitoring (WASSMO) Report produced by AMCOW. Dr Mbaziira also expressed his desire for the Focal Points to actively participate in AMCOW’s sub-regional consultations to deepen their understanding of AMCOW’s programmes.

The meeting featured presentations that provided an overview of AMCOW, the composition of activities within the Knowledge Management Challenge, and subsequent implementation plans. Additionally, the Focal Points were informed that they would also serve as drivers for gender and youth inclusion in their respective countries, where such initiatives may not yet be in place.

An exciting highlight of the meeting was the realisation that the Focal Points would play a vital role in fostering robust south-south collaboration, knowledge creation, and exchange among AMCOW member state through the outlined initiatives. AMCOW Secretariat, in cooperation with its partners, will continue to cultivate and strengthen this initiative while also mobilising the participation of other member states to achieve the target nomination of 110 focal points (two from each country, one male and one female). The Knowledge Management Challenge was launched by the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Republic of Namibia and AMCOW President 2020-2022, H E Carl Hermann Schlettwein. Water This introductory meeting marks a significant milestone in AMCOW’s ongoing commitment to improving African water and sanitation practices through enhanced knowledge management. The dedication and expertise of the Focal Points will play a crucial role in achieving the goals of the Africa Water and Sanitation KM Challenge, contributing to sustainable development across the continent.


Day 1 of AMCOW’s 13th General Assembly Sparks Expectancy and Renewed Commitment to Africa’s Water Vision

Over 41 African Member States gathered today at the African Ministers’ Council on Water’s (AMCOW) 13th General Assembly in Cairo, Egypt. The highly anticipated event, held under the esteemed leadership of Dr Tahani Sileet, Chairperson of AMCOW’s Technical Advisory Committee, saw the participation of Technical Advisory Committee members from 41 countries and various partners.

The General Assembly began with captivating opening remarks from esteemed personalities, setting the stage for an impactful meeting. Dr Rashid Mbaziira, Executive Secretary of AMCOW, presented the Governance Framework and Rules of Procedures, providing a solid foundation for the statutory meetings. The discussions that followed were nothing short of remarkable.

(From left to right) Engr Tahani Sileet, Head of Central Department for External Cooperation Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation
The Arab Republic of Egypt and AMCOW TAC Chair, Dr Rashid Mbaziira, AMCOW Executive Secretary

Participants were treated to an inspiring documentary film – An Overview of AMCOW – that shed light on the history and purpose of AMCOW. The film eloquently captured the motivations of AMCOW’s founding leaders and emphasised the critical value of water. Notably, Mr Bai Mas Tall, the first substantive Executive of AMCOW, passionately proclaimed that AMCOW stands as the only Ministerial Council on Water worldwide.

Buoyed up by these powerful anecdotes, attendees delved into other crucial presentations, including the AMCOW Strategy 2018-2030, the 2022 Annual Report on the Implementation of the July 2008 Assembly Declaration (also known as the Africa Water and Sanitation Monitoring Report), the Audit Report on the Financial Statement for the Year ended 31st December 2022, and 2023. The revised AMCOW Gender and Youth Inclusion Strategy took centre stage, garnering extensive attention as it neared adoption and presentation to the Council of Ministers. Ensuring that the strategy genuinely reflected the voice of the Member States became a shared priority.

According to Dr Tahani, the urgency to facilitate action on achieving the water and sanitation goals of the continent cannot be overemphasised. Hence this 13th Ordinary Session of the General Assembly at this time.

Following a rejuvenating health break, participants invested significant time deliberating the Action on Water Adaptation and Resilience (AWARe) initiative and AMCOW’s involvement at the UN 2023 Water Conference. These conversations illuminated the regional and national priorities embedded in AMCOW’s work programmes.

Moreover, the meeting addressed the importance of increasing Member States’ involvement in AMCOW’s programs and the need to sustain initiatives within AMCOW even as they evolve into institutionalised entities. The sense of unity and shared commitment among participants fueled anticipation for the outcomes of this gathering.

As the 13th General Assembly unfolds, hopes run high for its transformative impact on the water sector. The post-2025 Africa Water Vision is set to receive a substantial boost, with countries eagerly raising their priorities and embracing an invigorated drive towards its realisation. AMCOW remains steadfast in its mission to guide and implement strategies that ensure Africa’s water resources are managed sustainably and inclusively.

This General Assembly is a testament to African Member States’ enduring dedication and collective determination to overcome water challenges and create a brighter future for the continent. With renewed energy and shared aspirations, AMCOW marches towards a future where clean water and sanitation are accessible to all Africans.


AMCOW Secretariat discusses with Kenya plans for its 13th General Assembly

We are excited to announce that the Executive Secretary of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), Dr Rashid Mbaziira, recently visited Kenya to discuss plans for the upcoming 13th General Assembly of the Governing Council.

The General Assembly is a crucial event for AMCOW as it provides an opportunity for the African Ministers responsible for water to come together and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the water sector in Africa. Hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Ordinary Session will hold from 13-15 June – with two major sessions comprising a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Session and a Ministerial Session.

(From left to right) Executive Secretary of AMCOW, Dr Rashid Mbaziira and Kenya Cabinet Secretary (CS), Hon Alice Wahome.

During his visit, Dr Mbaziira met with AMCOW’s EXCO Member and Vice President of the Eastern Africa Region, CS Hon Alice Wahome.

The meeting was held on 26th March and was focused on discussing the preparations for the upcoming General Assembly. Dr Mbaziira and CS Hon Alice Wahome discussed various plans and strategies to ensure the success of the General Assembly. They also discussed the importance of ensuring the event is inclusive and representative of all African countries.

We are confident that the upcoming General Assembly will be a success, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Arab Republic of Egypt and EXCO Members.

We look forward to welcoming the African Ministers responsible for water to the 13th General Assembly of the Governing Council of the African Ministers’ Council on Water.

We will provide more updates on this significant event.

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Africa Water Facility Publishes its 2023 Newsletter

Africa Water Facility Newsletter

The African Water Facility (AWF) has published the first issue of its 2023 newsletters. Under the theme ‘working for water’, the newsletter underlines the need to continue to deploy resources across sectors and industries to achieve access to water and sanitation for all in Africa.

In this first edition of the 2023 newsletter, you’ll find news on AWF’s updated investment case, knowledge management products, an overview of the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII) – a sanitation window to be hosted by the AWF, some highlights of AWF’s activities and industry moments in the first quarter of 2023, and more.

To read the newsletter in English or French, download it via the links below:

Africa Water Facility Newsletter 2023

La Facilité africaine de l’eau (FAE) a publié le premier numéro de sa lettre d’information 2023. Sous le thème “Travailler pour l’eau”, elle souligne la nécessité de continuer à déployer des ressources à travers les secteurs et les industries afin d’assurer l’accès à l’eau et à l’assainissement pour tous en Afrique.

 Dans ce bulletin, vous trouverez des informations sur le dossier d’investissement actualisé de la FAE, des produits de gestion des connaissances, un aperçu de l’Initiative d’investissement pour l’assainissement urbain en Afrique (AUSII) – une fenêtre d’assainissement qui sera hébergée par la FAE, quelques points forts des activités de la FAE et des moments forts de l’industrie au cours du premier trimestre 2023, et bien d’autres choses encore.

 Pour lire la lettre d’information en anglais ou en français, téléchargez-la via les liens ci-dessous:

Group Photograph of Participants at the High-level Stakeholders Engagement on Transboundary Water Resources Management in Africa

Furthering Commitments to Transboundary Water Cooperation in Africa

ENTEBBE, Uganda – On May 25, 2023, a four-day high-level meeting was held at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort in Kampala, culminating in the si­gning of the Kampala Declaration on Transboundary Water Resour­ces Management in Africa. This pi­oneering gathering, organised by the African Network of Basin Or­ganizations (ANBO) in collabora­tion with NBI, African Ministers‘ Council on Water (AMCOW), GIZ, and the World Bank, aimed to fos­ter closer cooperation among these institutions. The focus was enhan­cing their organisational capacities and increasing their responsiveness to the continent‘s pressing water needs.

The Kampala Declaration commits several key stakeholders, including the African Ministers‘ Council on Water (AMCOW), the African Re­gional Communities (RECs), the African Network of Basin Organiz­ations (ANBO), the River and Lake Basin Organisations (RLBOs), the African Development Bank, and other Development Partners, to specific actions:

  1. Strengthen Collaboration: The declaration‘s signatories will work towards reinforcing collaboration mechanisms between River and Lake Basin Organisations. By doing so, they can ensure more effective management of shared water resources, paving the way for socio-economic development in Africa.
  2. Leverage Resources: Deve­lopment Partners will provide technical and financial resources through existing and new coope­ration arrangements to support transboundary water manage­ment. This collaborative effort will be instrumental in achieving regi­onal and global goals, including the African Union Agenda 2063, Africa Water Vision 2025, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 6 and its targets.
  3. Investment in Transboundary Projects: Efforts to invest in trans­boundary projects will be inten­sified, aligning with regional and global goals. This approach will fa­cilitate progress toward key deve­lopment objectives and enhance water, energy, and food security while protecting the environment.
  4. Collaboration in Data and In­formation Services: The stake­holders recognise the critical role of data and information services in informed decision-making. By strengthening cooperation in this area, they aim to improve knowledge-based decision-ma­king processes across the conti­nent.
  5. Institutionalise High-Level Engagements: The heads of River and Lake Basin Organisations will engage in regular high-level inter­actions to assess progress, share lessons, and prioritise actions. The institutionalisation of these en­gagements will be supplemented by annual meetings to be con­ducted under the auspices of the Governing Council of the AMCOW Executive Committee.
Group photograph of a cross-section of key partners and members of the high table during the stakeholders’ engagement on transboundary water cooperation in Africa, Kampala, Uganda.

The meeting commenced with the opening remarks by the Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, First De­puty Prime Minister and Minister of East African Community Affairs, who emphasised the need for ade­quate water governance at appro­priate levels. Professor Patrick Oti­eno Lumumba delivered a stirring keynote address, highlighting the importance of unity among river and lake basin organisations and the significance of self-reliance.

Representatives from Develop­ment Partners, including Anders Jägerskog and Dr Malte Grossman, underscored the value of trans­boundary water cooperation in preventing conflicts and building climate resilience—the President of the African Network of Basin Orga­nizations, Eng. Sylvester Matemu, highlighted the critical role of coo­peration in achieving water, energy, food security and environmental protection.

The closing remarks by Hon. Be­atrice Atim Anywar, Uganda‘s State Minister for Water and En­vironment, emphasised adopting a cooperative approach to tack­le the threats to water resources. Dr Rashid Mbaziira, the Executi­ve Secretary of AMCOW, called on stakeholders to implement the commitments outlined in the Kam­pala Declaration and institutiona­lise this high-level gathering as an annual event for monitoring pro­gress.

The meeting concluded with an excursion to Jinja, where the dele­gates visited the Source of the Nile River and a hydroelectric power plant, further highlighting the im­portance of sustainable water re­source management.

The Kampala Declaration marks a pivotal step towards greater trans­boundary water cooperation in Af­rica. The commitments made by key stakeholders demonstrate their dedication to addressing the region‘s pressing water challen­ges and working collaboratively for sustainable development and env­ironmental preservation. By acting on these commitments and insti­tutionalising the annual gathering, African nations can foster a future of shared prosperity and resilience through cooperative management of their precious water resources.

Click here to download the Kampala Declaration.

Tunisia wastewater

Titbit: Tunisia holds its first-ever public-private partnership in the water sector

Did you know Tunisia held its first Public-Private Partnership in the water sector with the Suez?

On 26 April, the Suez group teamed up with a state-owned office in Tunisia to clean up wastewater in a southern region that serves almost a million people.

In the collaboration between the Suez group and the state-owned office called Onas, Suez will operate the public sanitation service for several governorates and treat wastewater for the inhabitants of those regions.

This project is meant to help the economic and social development of the country’s south and deal with environmental challenges. The contract is worth 200 million euros and will last for ten years. The World Bank will finance the rehabilitation and extension of the infrastructures, while the Tunisian state will finance their operation and maintenance. The partnership will work on renovating existing equipment and allow wastewater reuse in agriculture while releasing better quality water into the environment.

This is the first public-private partnership in the water sector in Tunisia, and Suez hopes it will make the country a reference for sanitation management on the African continent.

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Summary of AMCOW’s Participation in the UN 2023 Water Conference

In March 2023, delegates from around the world convened at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the UN 2023 Water Conference. AMCOW, the African Ministers’ Council on Water, played a crucial role in shaping the discussions and outcomes of the conference, showcasing Africa’s commitment to water security and sanitation for all.

One of the highlights was the AMCOW/OSAA side event, a collaboration between AMCOW and the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa. This event addressed sustainable water availability for all purposes, emphasising the importance of water access and management.

Another significant moment was the official launch of the Team Europe Initiative. AMCOW was pivotal in supporting this initiative to enhance collaboration between Africa and Europe in tackling water-related challenges.

A significant highlight was the launch of the 2022 Report on the ‘Implementation of the July 2008 Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration.’ This report, compiled with contributions from 44 Member States, responds to AMCOW’s mandate from the African Union Heads of State and Government to report yearly on the State of Water and Sanitation in Africa. It provides valuable insights that position Africa to build a better Africa Water Vision, particularly as we approach the post-2025 period.

Furthermore, AMCOW partners and Member States organised several side events, providing valuable platforms for knowledge exchange, sharing best practices, and showcasing innovative water management and sanitation solutions.

AMCOW also engaged in bilateral meetings with government officials, international organisations, and financial institutions throughout the conference. These meetings fostered important dialogues, explored collaboration opportunities, and strengthened partnerships.

AMCOW extends its gratitude to Member States, the leadership of partner institutions, and all participants for their invaluable contributions, which shaped the outcomes of the conference.

AMCOW appreciates the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs for the opportunity to participate in this conference, amplifying Africa’s voice and commitment to water security and sanitation for all. Together with stakeholders, AMCOW is determined to implement the outcomes of the UN 2023 Water Conference and work towards a sustainable future.

To download our full Briefing Note, go to AMCOW Knowledge Hub: